
The EX Program Launches Enhanced Digital Content for Quitting Smokeless Tobacco

The EX Program Launches Enhanced Digital Content for Quitting Smokeless Tobacco

The EX Program, a digital tobacco cessation program developed by Truth Initiative in collaboration with Mayo Clinic, has announced the launch of enhanced digital support to help smokeless tobacco users quit. Smokeless tobacco is also known as snuff, chewing tobacco, dip, or snus.

“Quitting chewing tobacco can be as difficult as quitting cigarette smoking, and while it often goes unnoticed, it’s a significant health concern,” said Megan Jacobs, MPH, Lead, Integrated Product Design, Innovations. “Employees working outside of a traditional office environment tend to have higher smokeless tobacco use rates so offering them, and all your employees, digital tools to help stop chewing tobacco offers many of the same benefits as smoking cessation, including lower healthcare expenses.”

Expert/Peer Support and Digital Content for Chewing Tobacco

With the EX Program, smokeless tobacco users receive tailored support through 3 methods: expert support, peer support, and interactive tools to build skills and confidence.

  1. Expert support
    Through live chat coaching, smokeless tobacco users can interact with experts on how to specifically quit chewing tobacco. EX Coaches help tobacco users identify their motivations for quitting, determine which strategies are best for them, select and ship quitting medications as appropriate, and review a quitting plan tailored to their needs and past experiences.
  2. Peer support
    Through the EX Community, a thriving online community of current and former tobacco users, smokeless tobacco users can connect with others for ongoing support through the ups and downs of quitting, ask questions about the quitting experience, and learn different quitting approaches that have worked for others.
  3. Interactive tools
    On our website, chewing tobacco users have access to tips and guidance for quitting and answers to frequently asked questions about common concerns, such as how to quit snuff, chewing tobacco, and snus. We illuminate how quitting smokeless tobacco is different from quitting cigarettes.

To learn more about how the EX Program helps tobacco users of all types successfully overcome their addiction to tobacco, please visit our program page.

Download Buyers Guide for Workplace Smoking Cessation Programs

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