Robots in the Workplace: If You Can’t Beat Them, Join Them

Artificial intelligence (AI) will change the way we work — there’s no doubt about it.

For senior leaders, increased computerization promises efficiency and low-cost productivity — better profitability is in our grasp. For human resources, AI will take jobs away, replacing human workers. It might even take some HR jobs!

But, there are some jobs at which robots simply cannot outperform humans. Research from Oxford University reveals workers need to acquire creative and social skills to prepare themselves for jobs of the future.

[bctt tweet=”Will robots take our jobs? I hope they take some of what we do — freeing up our time & talent.” username=”reflektive”]

According to Institute for the Future, the workforce in 10-20 years will be made up of robots and humans working together, using machines for tasks requiring automation, speed, and efficiency, and enabling humans to focus their skills on creativity, passion, and an entrepreneurial mindset. For most workers and HR leaders, that’s not a bad deal.

“Will robots take our jobs? I hope they take some of what we do — freeing up our time and talent to target our expertise to impact more people, more often, where it’s needed most,” says Jo Dennis, head of people at Omada Health in an article for People Tech.

Sources: TIME, IFTF, and Oxford