
What Do High Performing Companies All Have in Common? Happy Employees.

What Do High Performing Companies All Have in Common? Happy Employees.

Posted by Stephen Spiegel on Dec 6, 2017

The link between employee satisfaction and productivity is simpler than you think.

Every year, Glassdoor compiles a list of the “Best Places to Work.” The good people over at Glassdoor measure the quantity, quality, and consistency of employee-submitted reviews for companies across the nation, and the globe, to come up with a comprehensive catalog of 50 companies that employees absolutely adore. It turns out, the same companies that make the Best Places to Work list, also top out the S&P 500 according to CNBC. Coincidence? We think not.

In today’s day and age, it really shouldn’t come as any surprise that happy employees outperform disgruntled employees on any given day, but why is that exactly? Taking a page out of the Best Places to Work playbook, we can see that there are 3 key areas of an employee’s satisfaction that contribute to their individual performance and productivity:

Job Satisfaction,

Team Satisfaction 

Work-Life Balance

If You Love It, Is It Going to Really Work?

Teams of passionate people get things done. Point. Blank. Period. Passionate people aren’t motivated by money, fame or status. Those are all external side effects of a job well done, and it doesn’t take long for most of us to recognize how fleeting this kind of motivation can be. Instead, passionate performers operate from a place of self-satisfaction–they actually feel good when they work hard. These are people who love their jobs.

They don’t just love the pay, the benefits or the city it’s in. Nope. The most satisfied employees love the cause they work for, and this isn’t by accident. Companies promote this type of culture by giving their people what they want, but first they had to figure out what those wants are.

Work Hard, Play Hard, Repeat

Most employers tend to scoff at the fact that some Millennials could possibly value work-life balance over professional advancement, but they may actually be on to something. On the surface, it sounds as if the newest members of our workforce would rather spend more time playing video games and less time at the cubicle. While that certainly may be the dream for some, others look at work-life balance as a means to actually being a better employee.

Today's employees are taking less time off and spending increasingly longer hours burning the midnight oil of labor. This increased time at work comes at a sacrifice that will likely have a negative effect on your bottom line. Overworked employees are at a higher risk for health issues, and ultimately tend to get less work done than their well-rested counterparts–even if they are sitting at the desk longer.

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

While the example of company culture is certainly set from the top down, the reinforcement of a healthy organizational culture is managed laterally between coworkers. Employees that are surrounded by great teammates feel supported and motivated to produce better work. The increased communication that comes with a strong culture allows an employee to really understand how their individual performance affects the people around them. This spark of accountability lights a fire that spreads passionate performance throughout an entire organization.

As the camaraderie grows, criticisms become scarce while pats on the backs flow freely. Organizations that empower their employees through peer-recognition programs reap the benefit of increased job satisfaction almost immediately. It’s a win-win for everyone.

Topics: employee engagement, employee satisfaction, productivity, employee productivity

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