The Staffing Agency’s Guide To Programmatic Recruitment

Staffing agencies are finding it increasingly difficult to help their clients find the best candidates. Concerns of a diminishing talent pool coupled with a highly competitive market for top candidates makes for some difficult terrain. But that’s not where your troubles end, on top of this we’ve noticed a trend of major job boards cutting off organic traffic to their job listings. Recruiters, like you, are now finding themselves stuck between two evils: spend even more money on traffic or just let natural selection run its course and risk missing out on the best applicants. This is where technology like programmatic recruitment can really shine.

In 2018, 83 percent of organizations embraced programmatic recruitment and invested over $46 billion. But if you’re wondering what’s so special about this powerhouse technology, we’ve compiled a list of resources for everything you need to know.

Keep reading to find out what programmatic is and how you can use it to improve your recruiting strategy.

What is programmatic recruitment?

Programmatic recruitment is the use of technology to buy, distribute, and optimize job ads. Basically, programmatic recruitment makes sure your job ad is seen by the right candidates on the right sites at the right time. And it does this through the use of its four technology pillars: big data analytics, job ad targeting, dynamic budget allocation, and campaign optimization.

Problems and issues all recruiters face, regardless of industry vertical:

Being in the recruiting trenches can be exciting and fast-paced, but occasionally, that means you lose sight of the bigger picture. We’ve compiled some resources to help bring certain trends to light. With these things in mind, you can figure out where your organization stands and if technology like programmatic recruitment could be beneficial to you. This section will highlight some problems you may face.

Decoding and defining programmatic, big data, A.I., and other recruitment buzzwords:

You’ll need to learn the definitions of some of the words that you may find in any number of the resources listed here. Knowing these buzzwords will open up the world of programmatic to you and give you a greater understanding of what the technology can provide. Learn more about specific terms here.

Transforming your recruitment strategy:

Bring your recruitment strategy into the 21st century. Boasting a veritable buffet of technological advancements, programmatic can take your current strategy and put it on a fast track towards success, however you may measure it. Here’s where you can learn more about the transformative properties of programmatic.

So how does programmatic recruiting work?

Programmatic recruitment makes your life easier by eliminating inefficiencies and unnecessary spending common to staffing firms that just don’t have the manpower to optimize their job ads properly. But how does it really work? It combines the power of the four pillars of programmatic: big data analytics, job ad targeting, dynamic budget allocation, and campaign optimization. The below sections discuss each of the pillars at length.

Big data analytics:

Big data sounds intimidating but we promise it’s not! It’s just a collection of structured and unstructured stats. When analyzed properly, it can reveal trends and insights from your client’s ideal candidates that you wouldn’t have known otherwise. Learn more about big data analytics here.

Job ad targeting:

As as a recruiter, you’re aware that not all jobs are created equal. But the same can be said for job sites. Meaning your job ad’s performance can vary from month to month, and site to site. That makes strategizing an extremely difficult task. But with job ad targeting, your client’s jobs will reach its maximum performance threshold, with the right candidates, without you ever really trying too hard. This section will teach you more about job ad targeting.

Dynamic budget allocation and bidding:

Manually tracking and deciding which of your client’s job ads need the most money to meet your KPIs and succeed has always been difficult. Couple that with a strict recruitment budget and you’ve got yourself a stress-inducing problem. With dynamic budget allocation and bidding, you’ll never over or underspend on a job post again. Here are some helpful examples of dynamic budget allocation and bidding.

Campaign optimization:

You’ve got a list of client’s that all have different jobs with varying levels of seniority and specializations. With all this variety, you’d have to break down your job ads and individually develop a strategy that will ensure they all get the attention they deserve. This approach can prove to be difficult when you have other clients to worry about. With programmatic recruitment, campaign optimization takes care of this automatically. This technology basically puts the intelligence in “Artificial Intelligence.” Campaign optimization monitors your job ad campaigns and adjusts accordingly, something that you wouldn’t be able to do on a consistent basis. Learn more about campaign optimization in the resources below.

Programmatic recruitment and the candidate experience

Programmatic recruitment doesn’t just help you automate your processes, it also improves the quality of the candidate experience which is crucial in today’s competitive recruitment environment. You want to build a strong relationship with candidates just like you would with your clients. With an established relationship, you might tap them for a future position and look like the hero in the long run. Learn more about how programmatic recruitment improves the candidate experience here.

Miscellaneous resources:

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