Next Generation Performance Management is Coming

Yesterday Taleo, one of the largest providers of online recruiting and applicant tracking systems, announced its long-awaited performance management system.  As we have been writing for nearly two years, it is about time someone started to rethink this problem.   The system is built on a whole new metaphor for user interfaces, giving the manager, employee, and HR department a “talent baseball card” interface to manage and coach employees.  I personally believe it is one of the first systems which will truly help managers with the process of managing — not just the process of completing performance appraisals.


Simple view of new Taleo Interface

The biggest problems organizations have with the whole performance management process is that it is an annual “event” – not an ongoing process.  Most managers and employees use the performance management software less than five times per year…. yet in reality, the biggest business benefit from the process comes from goal alignment, coaching, and employee development.  (Not from appraisal!)  Our High Impact Talent Management research identifies this very clearly.  Much of our other research also shows that fewer than 30% of employees and managers find the performance management process valuable for improving business performance. 

Taleo leads the pack in understanding this challenge.  We will be developing a detailed bulletin for research members describing this exciting new offering in the coming weeks…and more details on what we call “next generation performance management.”