Human Resources Blog - Spark Hire

3 Hiring Concerns and How to Embrace Them

It’s a well known fact that hiring can be stressful.  As a hiring manager, you are held responsible for not only finding the best talent but also attracting talent to your job openings, and then making the right hiring decision.

There are 3 key concerns that all hiring managers have and there are ways for you to embrace each of these hiring concerns, minimizing the stress they cause.

1. Attracting the right talent

Attracting top talent to your small business can be a challenge when you are competing with larger corporations with more established brands.

However, there are many things you can do as a small business hiring manager in order to attract the right talent before your competition snatches them up.

Today, a large majority of top talent is interested in more than high salaries and big brands.  While a competitive salary is important, you also need to consider other benefits that you can provide as a small business.

Research health benefits and different options that fall within your company budget.  Do not take the cheap way out in this area.  Look at it as an investment in your employees.  After all, when your employees have good health care coverage you will in turn see healthier and happier employees.  These benefits do not have to be top of the line, but it is necessary to demonstrate to top talent that you consider their health important.

In many small businesses there is the option for flexible schedules.  Take into account that by offering your employees a flexible schedule you are allowing them the chance to work efficiently while also allowing them to take care of day to day personal items as needed.

Including these items in your job advertisement and brand advertisement will catch the eye of top talent and attract them to your company.

2. Holding the candidate’s interest

The interview process can seem like a game of cards.  It can be difficult to be certain of a candidate’s true interest at times and this is partly due to communication.

The first step in holding the candidate’s interest is to provide them with solid information on the job, the work day, and the company culture.  Include your key team members throughout the interview process.  This interaction with your team will allow the candidate to better visualize what it would be like to be part of your small business.

In addition, if you want to make sure you are holding a candidate’s interest while you go through the decision making process, you need to stay in constant communication with that candidate.  When you stop communicating with the candidate, she may think that you are no longer interested and she may lose interest.

Keep in contact with candidates on a weekly basis, providing updates.  Throughout the interview process it is important to make sure that the candidate understands how interested you are in considering her for your team.

3. Choosing the right candidate

“Am I making the right hiring decision?”

This can be one of the largest concerns you will have as a hiring manager.  Hiring the wrong person can be a waste of time and funds for your small business.  However, there are ways to overcome this fear and have a better chance of making a good hire.

In the final interview stages, make sure that you are qualifying your candidates as follows:

  • Request references – both personal and professional and do your due diligence by checking each of these references.
  • Require each candidate to provide a portfolio of past experience, accomplishments, and reviews.
  • Profile each candidate using personality assessments which will tell you the type of training and environment that the candidate works best in.

When you qualify your candidates you have a better chance of making the right hiring decision.

What are some other concerns you have as a hiring manager and how can you embrace those concerns?

Julia Weeks

Julia is a skilled Recruiter with over 8 years of experience in sourcing, interviewing, and hiring within many industries globally. She works closely with hiring managers and job seekers to understand needs and desires, while offering guidance and ensuring the right fit. When not recruiting or writing, Julia enjoys spending time outside cycling, taking her dog for walks, or honing her sailing skills.