Discovering the Coach Within

Martin Laramie

Martin Laramieby Martin Laramie

Martin Laramie, an experienced coach and leadership trainer, approaches the coaching role from the perspective of a journey to authenticity from within. The following excerpt from his work explains this transformative process:

When a coach is coaching from their center, each session can be very transformational for the coaching client.  An inexperienced coach will often try to emulate some other successful coach or try to work through scripted coaching sessions.  As time goes on, a coach learns to find their voice, gain self-awareness of who they are, coach in the moment, and hold the space for the client to set the agenda.

Authentic coaching only occurs when the coach has traveled the journey toward authenticity, competency, and credibility. It is only then that they can look in the mirror gaining a deeper awareness of who they are and what they have to offer.

The coach who exudes credibility from an authentic center will be able to establish rapport with the client and build a trusting relationship.  The client will resonate with such a coach sensing they are in a safe place to share concerns and work out goals and objectives.  The client will rely on the coach to hold them accountable and want to achieve success in the endeavor.  The coach “talks the talk” and “walks the walk.”

For further reading, you may purchase a copy of the book Coaching Perspectives IX here.


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