
Webinar: How Manufacturers Can Enable Flexibility at Scale

Written By: Julie Fancher
May 21, 2020
2 min read

(Updated 12/13/2023)

When industry turbulence hits, manufacturing operations need to be ready to adapt at a moment’s notice. Whether that be changes in consumer needs, new regulations, demand fluctuations, or any other kind of disruption, agility is key.

The industry has continued to learn and evolve since the COVID-19 pandemic, which forced nearly every single business globally to drastically change the way they work. This turbulent time exposed existing challenges and highlighted the need for organizations to implement technologies that allow them to quickly adapt to any type of disruption.

The push for digital transformation within manufacturing and the need for operational agility is nothing new. But now, more than ever, building operations that can quickly adapt is critical to the longevity of your business.

Gone are the days of linear, structured workflows. Manufacturing professionals need to adapt to Dynamic Work - workflows that are flexible and multi-stakeholder. Dynamic Work Management allows your organization to quickly implement and scale improvements. This enables you to better move through disruption.

Achieving flexible operations though, can be difficult. In our work with manufacturing companies, we have observed five common challenges that many manufacturing professionals may encounter that hinder their flexibility.

Those challenges are:

  • New regulations or best practices take months to operationalize

  • It is difficult to track project status and communicate with on-site teams

  • Each location or facility within your organization operates differently

  • Leveraging data from your core systems requires days or hours of manual labor

  • Specialty or engineered to order products that are causing cost inefficiencies

Compared to traditional approaches, like buying rigid, off-the-shelf software packages, many manufacturing organizations have turned to low-code platforms to help address these challenges, as well as large-scale disruptions like COVID-19.

Dynamic Work Management platforms that leverage low-code technologies, like Quickbase, are a modern, agile way to continuously improve your business’s unique processes and allow you to keep pace with today’s rapidly changing business environment.

These platforms, entrusted by IT, allow users to create custom solutions that help increase visibility and transparency within their organizations, eliminate inefficient and time-consuming manual processes, and consolidate data in one easily accessible location.

Written By: Julie Fancher

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