The Benefits Of Encouraging Friendliness In the Workplace


Being friendly in life offers many remarkable benefits. This is something people of all ages and from all walks of life should try to do. Early in life, you are taught how to be a good friend and the importance of being friendly to others. A well-known quote that is used (and that is still true) regarding being nice is, “If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all.” For most people, this is one of those “golden rules” that has stuck with them into adulthood.

However, when it comes to friendliness, what does it mean in the workplace? Most people spend most of their adult life at work. While this is true, there is often a sense of hostility and distance between most colleagues.

In some situations, competition between employees is healthy, friendly and will promote friendship development. However, in other cases, competitiveness among workers or hostile feelings can cause issues of demotivation and dissatisfaction in the workplace.

Suppose the hostility is because of perceived “favoritism” or actual information that someone makes more and works less based on their check stub (learn about a check stub maker here). If that is the case, this can create an unhealthy and unpleasant work environment.

While this is true, there are tips that managers and business executives can take to help encourage friendship in the workplace.

Show Respect to Everyone

It is important to look at every team member as an invaluable component of the workforce. It is also necessary to show you value everyone’s concerns, ideas, and opinions equally.

Learn how to be an active listener. Doing this will help encourage team members to share their ideas and thoughts. Be sure to listen when others talk and that you understand what they are saying.

Develop a Connection with Employees

Take time to connect with employees on a more personal level. Also, encourage them to form friendly relationships beyond the workplace.

Provide Stress Release Opportunities

This may include things like relaxing Fridays where you make mediation and massages available or forming a work sports team. This type of stress-relieving activity can help reduce tension and minimize feelings of frustration. It can also help employees bond and build stronger, healthier relationships.

Use Team Building Activities

It is possible to encourage everyone to work better together by engaging in team-building activities. These are the types of activities where everyone has to trust one another to complete the activity or objective.

Celebrate Successes

It’s important to celebrate the success that individual team members have. Make sure that everyone is recognized for the hard work they do and the effort they contribute to the business.

Benefits of a Friendlier Workplace

When workers are friendly, they will create a friendly environment for the entire team. This will also help create an atmosphere where people are encouraged and more willing to share knowledge with others. When everyone is friendly, it allows for more productive face-to-face interactions. Employees will have the opportunity to learn from one another, share ideas, and have new experiences. This means that your workers will feel more comfortable when it comes to sharing skills, ideas, and experiences with others because they know their efforts are appreciated. This friendly atmosphere leads to an environment of trust, where employees value other’s knowledge rather than judging them silently. Over time, this friendly atmosphere will benefit the entire team and create a sense of trust. This is also going to be a “fuse” for enthusiasm and creativity.

Building a Friendly Work Environment

Creating this friendly and productive work environment isn’t something that will happen overnight. It will require time and effort to get it right. While this is true, with the tips and advice above, it is completely possible. If you want to ensure your employees are happy and productive, be sure to implement all the tips mentioned above. In the long run, you will find that happy employees lead to an improved bottom line. 

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