How Paypal Maps and Creates Employee Journeys on We’re Only Human

“We map the employee journey and experiences that an employee has. We do things where we can really hear, learn, and better understand the employee sentiment, directly from employees. We have feedback mechanisms built in that allow us to continually evolve, and we really look at that feedback that we get on our experiences as a gift. We welcome it. We want to hear ‘what did we do’ and ‘how did it land’ and ‘how can we make it better?'”

Adella Bell, PayPal


We’re Only Human — Episode 100


Today, one of the most challenging pieces of supporting employees is understanding their unique journeys, identifying their needs at each step, and designing experiences that meet those needs. At PayPal, there is a clear approach that leads to better outcomes, and it hinges on employee-focused design. From how feedback is gathered to how journeys are mapped and more, every piece of this is centered on the employees and what they need. 

In today’s discussion, Ben talks with Ramesh Murugan and Adella Bell from PayPal’s HR team to explore how PayPal designs an employee experience that is scalable and high touch, including key insights into how the HR team identifies what the workforce needs through comprehensive voice of the employee efforts. 


To learn more about IBM Talent Transformation Services:

Other episodes in this series on Talent Transformation: 

Learn about PayPal’s commitment to and support of global intiatives in their Impact Report: