2 Lessons Coaching Teaches Remote Workforce Managers


By Ceci Amador, www.AllianceVirtualOffices.com

Coach training or a certified coach can help professionals improve their performance in different aspects of life: health, career, relationships, etc., by empowering individuals to be intentional about their choices. In the realm of work, a certified coach can help remote managers improve their management, communication, and leadership skills.  Following are two of the great lessons from coaching for remote managers. 2 LESSONS COACHING TEACHES REMOTE WORKFORCE MANAGERS

  1. Clear and Precise Communication

Certified coaches use clear direct language to effectively communicate with people. A certified coach also uses effective questioning to ensure role clarity.  For a remote manager, this means clear, direct language and powerful questions to define responsibilities and the requirements of the work.  Powerful questioning requires that a coach recognize other people’s considerations and motivations to then ask them how a certain responsibility or tasks fits in with their skill set or goals.  For a remote manager this becomes a tool to motivate remote workers to own their work and their outcomes.

Coaching certification provides a tool to recognize and adjust to different personal styles by understanding which strategies or approaches work best for each person.  Coaching or coach training is particularly beneficial for remote team managers because coaching empowers professionals to guide others into finding and implementing their own solutions.

This is particularly valuable in remote work environments because people work from different locations and in different time zones, which means that a good leader will empower remote workers to make decisions and find solutions on their own, rather than waiting hours for the rest of the team to be online.  Good communication simultaneously helps build a sense of belonging, culture, and camaraderie among those collaborating on a project.

  1. Word Choice

Word choice goes hand in hand with clear and precise communication.  A professional coach models how word choice makes a difference and it does, in fact, set a charismatic leader apart from a toxic one.

For example, a certified coach will often use want or will instead of using need; he or she will avoid using limiting words like try or could as these are associated with a lack of confidence, conviction, or motivation.

The right choice of words can help make remote work more efficient and agreeable for all involved.  Being intentional about how you communicate can help motivate remote workers, as well as help them prioritize tasks and stay focused.  Using positive, empowering verbiage will send a clear message to your team.

Come back for more great lessons from coach training for remote managers!


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