Excellent post on creating great company values (versus lame ones) & challenges behind “living them” by the Twilio CEO. Encourage you to check out the article below.

“CULTURE is a word that Silicon Valley and startups everywhere toss around all the time,” says Lawson. “What does it really mean and how does it relate to VALUES? What I landed on is that culture is living your values.

Values are written words, and your culture is how you actually live those written words.”

“Our values are in motion, specifically through a three-stage lifecycle that gets us to the next stage of growth. First, we articulate our values, then live them and finally, test them.”

Love these two values the most (see the picture below): 

1) “Empower Others: Make Heroes. Unleash the greatness of others inside and outside the company.”

2) “No Shenanigans: Be thoughtful. Always deal in an honest, direct, and transparent way.”

Values are for guiding behaviors and helping people make decisions that everyone will support and feel proud about.  

Values are really really hard to get right and usually take iteration. But it’s worth investing in because the positive/negative consequences are massive. 


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