Tools, Techniques, Questions, and Dialogue

Cathy Liska

Cathy Liska


By Cathy Liska

For many new coaches, figuring out how to use different tools and processes is of great interest.  What is often the challenge we all face as coaches is truly co-creating the coaching relationship with the client.  Once we work with the client on what they want to accomplish, the next challenge is keeping them in the driver’s seat for exploring, using tools, and moving forward.  Ultimately, the multitude of tools and techniques for coaching are intended for the benefit of the client.  Gaining a sense of how this works through exposure to coaching conversations is a helpful starting point.

A few thoughts: coaching involves the doing – most expect that – and it also involves the being.  The being refers to how an individual thinks, feels, is aware, learns, develops and applies insights, and more.  If the coaching is only about the doing, the results are short term.  If the coaching is only about the being, the application may be missed.  The balance or blend of the two is determined by the client.

In the chapter on Tools, Techniques, Questions, and Dialogue, a client created by blending several clients moves through building confidence, a job search, and related life changes.  Options for moving forward are considered and the client empowered to choose their direction.  Sample dialogue and questions give a peek into the use of tools and coaching processes. It is intended to build on what is covered in coach training.

Coaching Perspectives VIII includes insights from many coaches who have completed their coaching certification – visit this blog for more chapter previews and visit Coaching  Perspectives VIII on for the book.

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