Coaching Agreement

Coaching Agreement

A written coaching agreement outlines the parameters of the coaching relationship.  It is foundational to building an effective coaching engagement.  A Coaching Agreement includes exploring what the client wants from the relationship as a whole and starting each session by determining what the client wants from that session. Coaching Agreement

About Coaching Agreements:

  • A written coaching agreement includes information on confidentiality, frequency of communication, payment, boundaries, and the parameters of the coach’s role.
  • A written and signed coaching agreement is essential before starting the coaching relationship.
  • Ask the client what they want from the coaching and how they will measure success.
  • Each coaching session, ask what the client wants to focus on, what they want from the session, their reasons, and how they want to have the conversation.

Agreement is Important Because:

  • The agreement defines the relationship between the coach and client (and sponsor where applicable).
  • The coaching agreement defines the parameters and boundaries of the process.
  • The agreement creates understanding and builds trust between the coach and client.
  • Agreement guides the coaching sessions.


  • Coaching agreements are written.
  • Ensure the language in the agreement is easily understood.
  • The agreement protects both the coach and client.
  • In addition to the written agreement, start each session with an agreement on what the client wants to accomplish.


  • Examples of coaching agreements are available through coach training programs and the International Coach Federation.
  • Decide how much legalize is necessary.
  • Provide the appropriate level of explanation.
  • Define the boundaries of the relationship.
  • Outline the fee structure.
  • Refer to the code of ethics.
  • Sign the agreement before you start coaching.

Coaching agreements happen in three ways: the written agreement, the agreement of what the client (and possibly the sponsor) wants from the coaching, and an agreement at the beginning of each coaching session as to what the client wants to focus on, how they will measure the success of the coaching session, how their objective and measures are meaningful to them, and how they want to have the conversation.


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