Sustainability through Coaching

Sustainability through coaching is about supporting client consistency, commitment, follow-through, and client choice.  Consistency involves a client choosing habits and routines that support their progress.  Commitment is stronger when it is based on client choice.  Follow-through is increased when it is based on the client choosing their own strategies and action steps.

Sustainable change involves effective thought processes to keep it moving forward.  The change process, as explored during coach training, includes multiple elements.  At the core is client choice.  Coaching empowers the client to explore their opportunities, identify challenges, choose their goals, and develop their plans.  Coach training also provides the insight for thought processes with a focus on the desired result, internal motivation, and being proactive.  The combination of client choice, commitment, consistency, thought processes, and follow-through leads to sustainable change and/or a new norm.


During a client coaching session, finding the What and How via probing questions facilitates a discussion about change in preparation for planning.  Questions in the areas that involve change include:

  • What is your awareness of change processes?
  • What will you change to build your dream?
  • How will you change?
  • What challenges might you face?
  • How can you push through challenges?
  • How long does it take to create change?
  • What are your priorities in terms of creating change?
  • What resources do you have to support change?
  • How can you build on what has worked for you in the past?
  • How will you maintain what you change?

As clients think, capture their words, thoughts, and phrases.  Rephrase what they say for clarity. The information helps formulate questions.  Partner with your client on what works to move them towards their dream or goal.

Support maintaining sustainable change.  If it is helpful, explore what has worked for the client in the past, what is working now, and how they will make it work moving forward.  Ask them about their commitment to change.  Ask the client to describe what it will be like when they create the change they want including how they will feel, what they will say to themselves, and what they will see.

Coaching certification is an opportunity for learning the processes and techniques for creating and maintaining desired change.

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