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Read This Before Planning Team-Building Exercises Or Socials

This article is more than 4 years old.

We all have our levels of sociability. On one end of the spectrum are true extroverts. If you’re an extrovert, you get your energy by being around other people. On the other end of the spectrum are true introverts. You recharge through having alone time. Most people fall somewhere in the middle of that spectrum — a bell curve of sociability if you will.

Extroverts tend to be more praised in society. The saying, “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know,” is a prime example of this. However, there are most likely a large number of introverts on your staff. In the workplace, over time, there has been a shift from individual work to working in a team. Some workplaces even review documents as a team. If you want to work individually, you run the risk of not appearing to be a team player. This constant team emphasis can wear people out, particularly introverts who aren’t getting enough time on their own.

This emphasis on “team play” is increasingly expanding into company social events, such as retreats and rope courses. Say “team-building exercise” to your staff and watch them shudder.

Does This Really Translate Into Work Performance?

When planning an office mixer or retreat, look at whether the activities you have planned actually contribute to office dynamics. Keep in mind that if your employees are extroverts they may really shine at social events, while if they are introverts, they can appear more introverted in a high-pressure social situation. Ask yourself what you are hoping to get out of this company social or team-building exercise. Are you aiming for more cohesiveness of your staff? It’s possible. Whether it’s probable is another story. Are you trying to resolve personality conflicts? Team-building is not going to help that. In fact, it may make it worse.

Build In Enough Downtime

Your employees need some rest, especially after exercising their social muscles. Building in enough downtime not only helps your employees recharge but also more can be accomplished in the one-on-one conversations between team-building events. And there is power in employees rallying together in opposition to team-building events. If the exercise or you are seen as the common enemy, you can see employees bond like never before. Be careful what you wish for. They may bond, but not in the way you would like.

Limit Alcohol Consumption

Those two employees that seem to have a constant battle of wills? It can reach explosive status after a few drinks and a long day of not being able to get away from each other. Limiting alcohol also helps decrease the potential of harassment and assaults.

Keep Social Activities Off Performance Reviews

There’s a fairly good chance that some of your employees have social anxiety. If you have social anxiety, one of the worst things that can happen to you is being put on the spot. This is not “being shy.” It is a true sense of panic that results from social activity, or the anticipation thereof. Repeated exposure to social activity only serves to increase the anxiety not decrease it.

Be Respectful Of Abilities

The importance of finding an activity that everyone can participate in freely cannot be overemphasized. If you are doing a ropes course, and you have people on your staff that have acrophobia (fear of heights), you are automatically isolating them away from their peers. And no one wants their fears broadcast to the group. Also, be aware of any other medical issues that make participation difficult. Alter your team-building accordingly.

Always Give An Out

Never make workplace kudos contingent on team-building exercise performance. Always give your employees an opt-out without penalty. Team-building exercises should be optional. If you must have a team-building exercise, have simultaneous exercises of varying levels of intensity. Or just stick with a low level of intensity. And if an employee opts out, let it go. Don’t bring it up later. If an employee opts out and then you see them socializing later, that doesn’t mean that your employee skipped out just for kicks. It may be that the activity was one that was too physically challenging, or he is comfortable socializing with a few people, but not the whole group at once. Be flexible. If you show that respect to your employees, you are more likely to get that respect back.

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