6 Ways AI Will Enable Recruiting to Be More Human

6 Ways AI Will Enable Recruiting to Be More Human

We all have seen the news and know that more and more jobs are being taken away by robots and some people are even afraid of the future because of it. Well, there are pros and cons for every new technology that comes our way. Just like cars where it makes it so much more convenient for us to travel now but it actually pollutes the air we breathe. So let’s actually take a look at the five ways that AI can make the recruiting process more human and easy for a change.


AI will make job ads more targeted and effective.

Basically, this technique will give recruiters the ability to place highly targeted ads in front of the right people at exactly the right time. Data based potential clients browsing history and online activity will allow them to do this. Advertisers need to be able to understand each browsing activity using cookies or what you can say are pieces of data that follow people as they visit different pages. Tracking these cookies and knowing if there are candidates visiting a page will allow recruiters to compile these data and can be used to shortlist potential candidates. This can also be done by looking at prospective candidates browsing histories to check phrases they’ve searched and pages visited against those used by local talent who visited a certain webpage.

The truth is that we are living in a world where ads dominate a lot of peoples lives. In fact, Betterteam found out that “Facebook only shows your posts to about 2 percent of people who like your page. To give your posts a chance of appearing, you can use paid ads to target friends of people who like your page.” So having AI actually allows people to find the right job quicker.


Profile Augmentation will give a clear picture of candidate’s skills.

AI will soon make it possible to see not just a candidate’s job history but also what they are passionate about doing. Using the same technology that allows companies to model an applicants behavior based on browsing histories and interests. They could figure out a person’s interests and hidden skills and this then would allow recruiters to recommend jobs related to what candidates actually want to do and not just the job they are assigned to now. This is especially useful for roles that are hard to fill, like an Information Security Analyst. There are few people who can handle this type of job, but you would be surprised to know that there are plenty with experience in software development who would jump at the chance of levelling up their game and taking on the job.


Chatbots can do the initial basic questioning for you.

There are companies that are already using chatbots in recruitment. Some companies like Shamrock foods actually ask for a potential candidates phone number and name through chatbots. So it basically eliminates the need to fill out forms, meaning less paper consumption. Once this forms are filled out, the chatbot is able to collect that information, the persons’ profile then goes into a CRM system where human recruiters can do their work. Bots can even follow up with candidates if they aren’t actively progressing with an application. So the main advantage of it is that recruiters get their time freed up a lot and they can then focus on the more important aspects of recruitment.


Advanced competency tests can gauge emotional and cognitive abilities.

There are actually advanced competency tests can tell a lot about a candidate and you’d be happy to know that games are involved. Certain games that are specifically made to test out abilities are a great and innovative way to know a candidate’s skills that would otherwise be difficult to detect, like problem-solving. They can also help recruiters assess a candidate’s willingness to take risks by creating scenarios within a game. There are more and more companies already doing this, but it will definitely become bigger within the next 3 years or so. Companies like Shell, AXA and Generali Group are already using Knack to assess their potential employees.


Facial and speech recognition software in video interviews can reveal more.

Video interviews will soon take over the normal hiring process and be much more useful. In the future, a candidate may only need to speak to the camera while the machine takes them through a list of questions. Meaning that recruiters will only need to review those videos and can actually prevent potential bias because they did need to interact with the person themselves. This may seem too automated for some but it actually allows a fair chance for each candidate, which is still a better outcome. Also, you can expect that video interview software will, in the future, be able to analyze body language, the tone of voice that can help in determining the overall qualification of a potential employee.

And if you want to try the future for yourself, you can try out EasyHire and get their free demo to have a proper idea of what it’s like to interview through videos.


Reference checking will become quick and easy.

Checking a potential clients reference is one of the most tedious things recruiters have to do. You have to call a minimum of three people to check the credibility of the person you are hiring and while this is not the same for all companies, some still do this. Well, there are now tools you can use to do this and yes, AI is still involve. At TeleReference, they have an automated reference checking platform that will allow recruiters to make their hiring process more streamlined. They even have a video, telephone or written reference options that can fit any requirements that a hiring manager needs. Also, it gives the candidates a better chance because the hiring manager will have more time to look into skills and abilities rather than calling all day for reference.


Don’t worry about the future, because you can never truly take away the output that a human is able to do. We all need to just focus on what things AI can improve and not always think about the bad. In the end, we all just need to make certain adjustments and try to see AI for what it is, a helpful tool.

Human Resources Today