Life sure has a way of making you go through detours, setbacks, trials, failures and errors before you get things right. Sometimes what you thought you’ve always wanted turns out to be a fib. Then you go back to square one, trying to find meaning and purpose in your life. All over again.

Is there really a surefire way, sort of a confirmation, that the path you are about to take is the right path for you? How do you know for sure it will give you the purpose and fulfilment you desire?

Those were my questions seeking desperate answers. I have been through different careers in my lifetime but every time I get to my goal ~ something just does not feel right. I knew I was meant to do something else far more meaningful and with purpose. Until one day, I finally found it – writing and creating art to empower women. And along with it, I found the answers to my question. But how did I know for sure that it wasn’t just like the previous paths I’ve chosen to take but were wrong for me?

In the same manner, how can you know for sure you’ve actually found your ultimate purpose in life?

5 years later, I got my answers.

1. When it is not costing you your inner peace. 

Any kind of work will make you physically tired, but a life purpose-driven kind of  work will never make you psychologically drained. When you feel exhausted just by the thought of it, that’s a sign you’re about to lose your inner peace. 

Your life’s purpose is something that fires you up, not make you feel anxious, stressed, less enthusiastic and makes you go against everything you stand for. Your purpose in life will not make you  lose yourself as a result of losing your inner peace. 

2. When it is giving you genuine fulfilment.

Genuine fulfilment comes after you find your most authentic self and embracing it with all of you. When you are true to who you are, what you want, what makes you happy, when you’re doing your passion, using your talents and creating something that is in alignment with your core values, you have found your greatest purpose in life. 

3. When it is no longer just about you. 

We all have our selfish desires, that’s human nature. But our life’s greatest work and purpose is not about what we can do and achieve for ourselves , it’s what we can do not only for us but also for others. 

Your greatest fulfilment in life is when you can use your talents, your skills and your most authentic self to be a blessing to other people, to make an impact in the lives of others, and to make a difference by being selfless in your pursuits. I believe that’s a very meaningful way to live. 

4. When it feels right. 

When you’re being true to you, you’ll know when it feels right because it doesn’t feel forced. For me I know it felt right because I didn’t even plan for it yet everything fell into place without me orchestrating for it to happen.

It might be different for you. You’ll know it feels right when you just know it without needing any affirmation nor confirmation from anyone, when you take action without hesitation, when you light up when the topic is brought up, when you feel excited thinking about it, and when you’re laser focused despite the distractions.

5. When you love what you do

All our goals and dreams in life lead to only one end result: to be happy. But it’s difficult to attain genuine happiness when you hate what you do. 

My purpose in life is to encourage you to craft a life you absolutely love so you can achieve the level of happiness you desire. Because the only way to do great work is to be in love with your life and with what you do. Everything else will follow. 

Final thoughts:

When you think you know what you really want to do, just ask yourself if it’s not costing you your inner peace, if it’s giving you genuine fulfilment, and if what you do isn’t just for selfish reasons. When it feels right and when you really love what you do and it makes you truly happy,  congratulations! You just found your real purpose in life. 

Krizia Krestwood is the founder of Kriz Eliz, a website that creates art and writes content to empower women to be their best version and to craft a life they absolutely love. For more empowering stories, visit . You can also follow her inspirational art on instagram @krizeliz