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A Trusted Leader Leaves A Legacy

Forbes Coaches Council
Janette Braverman


Legacy leavers operate in ways that build trust and transform lives. They tend to be concerned with the greater good.

One of the primary reasons successful leaders leave legacies is because they understand its impact on everyone around them. Their goal is to build relationships and accomplish something memorable that will help the organization move forward long after they are gone.

I once worked for a leader whom I will never forget. He always treated our team with respect, and in return, we trusted him and felt protected under his leadership. Everyone knew that if they could just get on his team, their career would be set! Most importantly, he was a servant leader. He didn't mind getting his hands dirty. He always worked alongside us when there was an issue to resolve. He never avoided conflict and operated with what I called a "velvet hammer." You'd leave the room inspired, not even knowing that he'd just put you in your place. This had much to do with his calm demeanor and approach. He retired after a 30-year tenure, and the amazing impact he made on the organization is still talked about today.

The power of trust is undeniable when leaving a legacy. There are even those who leave behind a legacy due to their twisted meaning of the "greater good."

Take infamous stockbroker Bernie Madoff, for example, who was motivated by financial gain. He wanted to ensure that his family was financially stable, but he ultimately betrayed his family by defrauding thousands of investors in one of the largest billion-dollar Ponzi schemes in history. They trusted him with their life savings and most precious assets, and he robbed them of around $20 billion. Madoff pleaded guilty to over 11 federal crimes and is serving a 150-year sentence.

While I certainly do not condone the crimes of Madoff, it's clear that regardless of how positive or negative your legacy is, building trust in others is essential to your ultimate goal.

Now just think about all the ways building trust in others can truly be used for the true greater good. How can you use trust to leave a legacy where you work and live? The list below applies to all leaders.

Exhibit humility and compassion.

Humility and compassion are must-haves if you want to leave a legacy. They are memorable leadership traits, and what I call trust builders. People have to be at the forefront of your thinking. As said so eloquently by Dr. Maya Angelou, "People will forget what you've said, people will forget what you did, but they will never forget the way you made them feel."

If you're having trouble exhibiting these behaviors, you might want to reevaluate why you want to lead. In Your Life Is Your Message: Discovering the Core of Transformational Leadership by Dr. Nancy Blair and Dr. Mark Gesner, Howard Behar, retired president of Starbucks, says, "I learned that to be successful, I had to put people first, stop thinking that I had all the answers and really listen to the people closest to the business."

Don't be a ladder climber.

If you've ever had a mentor, you've heard them say, "Don't worry about getting promoted, just perform." Focusing only on career advancement can contribute to your demise. If and when it gets out that you're a ladder climber, that legacy will follow you long after you're gone. It's difficult to shake. People can't trust a ladder climber because their agenda doesn't include them. Employees want to be valued.

Don't think of yourself more highly than others.

Your title doesn't define you. People seek to know what's in your heart and that you are genuine. If you walk around taunting others with your title or Ivy League education, they will judge you based on that very perception of you. Fear of judgment causes them to be uncomfortable sharing life events or simply critical things going on in the workplace with those they believe are condescending.

Make things right.

When a person has wronged you, give them the chance to make things right. The release is good for you but helps them move on too. Don't think that you have to be best friends, but moving forward, use what Stephen R. Covey calls "smart trust" in his book The Speed of Trust. Smart trust is what you use when someone has lost your trust, but you still need them in your life. You only trust them with specific things to protect yourself from being hurt by them again. If you give them a chance, they may work even harder to regain your trust. Of course, you should also make things right with anyone you've wronged. You may need them at some point.

Leave solid hand-offs.

A legacy-leaving leader will always package his or her vision so that it continues to evolve. They write the vision, and make it known. In a former role, I was responsible for delivering a global process that impacted the entire organization. When I was offered another opportunity, I knew it was essential to leave all of the tools needed for my predecessor, and the organization, to continue to be successful. The process was eventually delivered globally.

I'm looking forward to hearing about the ways you are building trust and leaving a legacy across your organization.

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