Collectively as humans we are programmed to fear change. To consider anything new and unfamiliar as a threat to our existence, our well-being, often times even our cultural identity.

We are all, as one facing change on a level most of us could barely have imagined only a few short months ago. For most of us, pandemics, natural disasters, wars and other life changing situations were events that happened to ‘others’ that we read about and reminded ourselves to be grateful we weren’t affected. This is different. The days of ‘us and them’ are behind us.

We have been awakening in consciousness and an understanding of togetherness at a rapid rate over the past few years. Many of us now fully understand that we cannot control what happens to us but we can control how we respond. Never have we needed to embody this more than now.

I’m an energy healer. I do my best to stay in my heart, to trust my intuition, to put my faith in a higher power (whatever you choose to name that) and to see the good and the hope in every situation. I’m human and I don’t always succeed. However, much to my own surprise and delight I feel this, THIS situation is what I’ve been practising for.

I truly, hand on heart believe this to be a magical time filled with the prospect of promise of the opportunity to come together as one, as we have never done before to co create a better world for all. A world where we all remember that we are ONE, regardless of location, gender, faith, wealth or anything else we have chosen to create barriers and feelings of separateness up until now.

You have a choice. You get to decide what to think, what to believe, what to feel and what to focus on. You can choose to sit in fear, to absorb the stress, drama and panic. You can stay glued to the news, watch the rising death count and search for more and more evidence of us all being doomed (and should you choose this I promise you will find it) while waiting for this to pass so your world can go back to ‘normal’.

Please, don’t make that choice. Since the beginning of time we have faced these life changing situations and each time we have come together briefly, worked to get through it and then we have returned to ‘normal’, returned to ‘us and them’ and never have we learned a thing.

This time choose love. Choose to see kindness, wonder and the opportunity to truly build a global home that protects, values and serves each and every one is us. I believe this is what we are here to do and we need to embrace and embody it.

If you choose to look you will see evidence of growing kindness, togetherness, compassion and magic all around you. I’ve seen the video of the police singing ‘Baby Shark’ on the streets of Andorra to amuse the local children. I see the oceans and the rivers clearing. I read of air pollution dropping to levels lower than we have seen in years. I’ve seen people who are able to get to the shops cancelling their on-line food deliveries to free up slots for those who need them most. I’ve seen coffee shops providing free coffee to health workers, I read about Zara keeping their factory staff on by sewing scrubs. Here in the UK, as one a few nights ago the nation took to their doorsteps and balconies to applaud our NHS staff who we have undervalued and taken for granted until now.

Banks of cancelling overdraft fees and interest payments. Neighbours are setting up Facebook groups to check in one each other and offering to share unwanted food items.

Every where around us the world is changing for the better. These displays of selflessness, kindness and compassion on growing daily in ways we barely saw them a month ago.

As a healer I feel this is my time. This is when the healers, light- workers, yoga teachers and such get to step in, step up and offer our support and guidance. I’m offering daily guided meditation and healing sessions via Instagram daily. I have reduced the cost of my private sessions (delivered on-line) to a third of my usual rate to make them more accessible to all during this time. I’ve joined an initiative led by the wonderful Marianne Williamson to take part in a weekly global prayer.

Open your hearts, be mindful of what you expose yourself to in terms of news, doom and gloom. Don’t give into the temptation to dwell on what you believe you have lost or will lose and choose to focus on what you can gain this time. What can you learn? What can you share? Journal, meditate, read, watch feel good movies, listen to happy songs, write for the joy of it , dance and sing if you wish too.

Choose to embrace what’s in your heart and to share it. I believe together we can and will create something magical, joyful and wonderful. That’s what I’m choosing. Will you?


  • Julie Lachtay

    Global Theta Healing® Practitioner and Happiness Junkie

    Hi Beautiful. I have a tendency to be super chatty and waffle so I’ll do my best to keep this short and sweet- like me. I grew up in a small town in a family who liked to remind me I was a waste of space and would amount to nothing. I chose to believe that for a REALLY long time. It led me to depression, a suicide attempt, homelessness. Blah blah. Now I’m a certified Happiness coach, a Theta Healing® practitioner, co-creator of Sacred Soul Awakenings, a published writer and I have a First Class (hons) BA. Take that Dyslexia. I specialise in helping amazing women free themselves from anxiety and get their JOY back.   I have a magical life filled with love and miracles. I'm currently in Chiang Mai and I have NEVER been happier.