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5 Tips To Reach Your Career Goals Quicker

This article is more than 5 years old.

To achieve your goal, be intentional. Being intentional will put you on the right path and make you efficient at reaching your goal. Here are five steps to become more intentional:

1. Carve out time to think.

If you don’t know what you want, you cannot be intentional about it. What is your goal? Take time to think, and identify what you want to achieve.

2. Develop a plan.

Once you identify your goal, consider the steps you need to take that will get you there. Most goals do not happen automatically or quickly. Lay out the steps needed. Goals take time and incremental steps to achieve.

Write out your plan so you can see the path. Mark the steps complete as you go. It will help you to see your progress and achievements and motivate you to continue moving forward.

3. Consider the language you use.

Words matter. Being intentional involves being strategic and positioning yourself for your goals. Be intentional about the language you use when you speak and write.

Let’s say you want to pivot in your career. Consider transferable skills and experience to use as language to bridge what you have done with what you want to do. For example, a lawyer might use the term “project manager” on their LinkedIn profile to pivot from a legal role to a more business-related role. Think about using words like “cross-functional” to show your experience working in and with other areas. Connect the dots for people. Don’t assume they will do it for you.

Words have power. Be intentional. Use words to get what you want.

4. Cultivate relationships.

Part of your plan should be to connect with people that may help you to achieve your goal. And don’t wait. Relationships take time to form. When you connect with people, use intentional language.

5. Tell the person what you want.

When you speak with people, tell them what you want. If you are looking for a job at a technology company and the person works for such a company, let them know you are considering your next career move. Don’t ask them for a job at their organization. Rather, tell them what you are looking for and ask for advice and insight. 

Don’t assume that people know what you want. You know your goal, and it is your responsibility to share it so that other people can help.

To be intentional, think about what you want, write out a plan, use strategic language, cultivate relationships and voice your goal. Achieving most goals requires work. Be smart about it, and reap the benefits.

What steps do you take to be intentional? Share with me your thoughts and stories via Twitter or LinkedIn.

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