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Eight Entrepreneurs Share The Most Impactful Communication Lesson They've Learned

YEC Women
Expert Panel, Young Entrepreneur Council

Ask any successful entrepreneur what the key to being a strong leader is and they'll likely tell you the same thing: communication. From making sure everyone is on the same page to ensuring every directive is understood, strong and clear communication is the cornerstone of running and managing a company.

The members of Young Entrepreneur Council have spent their entire careers honing their communication skills, which came in handy numerous times throughout their journeys. We asked a panel of them to share the most impactful communication lessons they've learned in their careers. Here's what they had to say.

Photos courtesy of the individual members.

1. Be Yourself

For those who struggle to communicate with others, are afraid to share their ideas for fear of judgment or are afraid to speak their mind because they don't want to make a mistake, you need to remember to be yourself. A lack of self-confidence will negatively affect your communication skills. But, if you believe in yourself and aren't afraid to be yourself in front of others, your self-esteem will grow and your communication skills will blossom along with it. Plus, when you communicate and show your true self, you'll be more likely to make a strong connection to the people you're speaking to. - Stephanie Wells, Formidable Forms

2. Over-Communicating Is Better Than Under-Communicating

One of the most important aspects of leadership is proper communication. I have seen costly mistakes made simply because two parties didn't understand one another. I myself have made this mistake and, since then, have committed to the following three rules of communication in business: First, understand what you are trying to say. This may seem obvious, but we often try to communicate things we haven't thought through ourselves. Second, have whomever you're speaking to reiterate what you've just communicated to them. This goes both ways—always communicate back something someone has said to you. Third, make sure to keep your verbal communication in writing. A phone or in-person conversation should always follow up with a written email reiterating what was discussed. - Victoria Brodsky, BlockchainBTM Inc

3. Be Clear And Direct

I've learned to be clear and direct in all communication with all stakeholders to prevent miscommunication or expectation issues. When you're not clear, it's easy for the other person or party to misinterpret your message. It's better to have five conversations to communicate your message instead of having one conversation where the other person or party is guessing what you're asking. - Kristin Kimberly Marquet, Marquet Media, LLC

4. Ask For What You Want

In the spirit of being accommodating, many women use language that subtly minimizes the importance of their messaging. For instance, sending an email that says, "I was just wondering if you had completed the report?" has a very different meaning than "I'm checking in on the status of the report as it needs to be completed by the end of the day." One may sound "nicer," but it makes the task sound like an option. I recommend the "Just Not Sorry" Chrome extension to catch similar language in your emails. Instead, when communicating, be direct and concise. Everyone has different styles of communicating, so to avoid miscommunication, it's best to opt for over-communication. It's even better if you can follow up with an email after the discussion to confirm that everyone is on the same page. - Chelsea Rivera, Honest Paws

5. The Goal Is Understanding

Every person wants to be heard and to feel they are understood, so the question is always how do we find a way to communicate so that we are both understood? To understand someone else, you must build a relationship with them. That's accomplished by asking thoughtful questions and listening to their answers. Then, find a way to speak to them in words and stories they understand. For example, if I'm talking to someone highly technical, I'll use very technical terms. However, if the person I'm talking to isn't technical, I'll use analogies that match that person's background to help them understand what I'm communicating. This helps the relationship grow because you both feel like the other "gets" you. - Monica Snyder, Birdsong

6. Speak The Truth, With Love

One of the core communication values in my company is that we speak the truth (honesty) with love (kindness). When dealing with difficult projects, we may have to identify what’s not working or where the problem lies—we owe it to our clients to be honest. But directness can also be kind. No one loves to hear negative feedback or analysis, but tempering the bad news with caring makes a huge difference. As a brand, it also sets us apart to be willing to have those tough conversations because we care about the business, clients and community, and we don’t shy away from that responsibility. As a leader, you may need to fire an underperforming employee, discuss why the marketing message didn’t convert, deal with the state of your finances and manage unhappy customers. Speak the truth, with love. - Kelly Azevedo, She's Got Systems

7. Don't Deflect From Your True Meaning

When it comes to giving feedback or receiving it, directness is the best approach. Cut out the fluff and the compliment sandwiches. Deflecting only muddies the waters and hides the real meaning in your message. It can be tough, but it’s a necessity of communicating with anyone, whether it’s a direct report or an investor. When you hide your real meaning between what you’re actually saying—for example, in a passive-aggressive manner—your message can be lost. Both you and the person you were talking to end the conversation more confused than when you started it. Being forthcoming and direct will get you to a place of mutual understanding a lot faster than trying to say five things at once to avoid hurting someone’s feelings or avoid an uncomfortable situation altogether. - Suneera Madhani, Fattmerchant

8. You Need To Communicate Your Boundaries

Each individual has different expectations in terms of boundaries around communication. I've learned that I need to be aware of and communicate my boundaries, especially to clients. For example, as a general rule, I prefer business communication through email. Occasionally, there will be a reason for text messages. But I try to direct as much communication into email as possible so I can then contain that communication and respond in an effective manner. I also set expectations around when I will be responding to messages, which is typically Monday through Friday during business hours. Most people are fine with the rules you set up. But if you don't communicate them, you can end up feeling frustrated that your boundaries are being violated or anxious that people think you're ignoring them. - Elizabeth Grace Saunders, Real Life E®