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In Search Of Leaders? Here's How To Develop Your People Based On Their Needs

Forbes Coaches Council
Naira Velumyan

In crystallizing their uniqueness, the leader, like any other person, goes through several stages that can be observed through the prism of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, which addresses five levels: physiological needs, safety needs, belonging, recognition and self-actualization. In that the first and second lower levels (physiological and safety needs) are considered deficiency needs, we’ll start with the third level. Maslow believed that only after the lower levels are satisfied, the person can be motivated to proceed to the third, fourth and fifth levels.

The third level is the bridge between the lower and higher levels, the so-called starting point of growth. At this level, there is intensive learning all the while trying to emulate others, especially authorities. Like it or not, want it or not, the reality is that our initial exposure to society starts with our family and inherent cultural, national and geographical stereotypes. Key to our development is becoming an identical part of this society, integrating into a certain “scenario of belonging."

While some people remain at this level, those who are more energetic take the “challenge” and begin to actively move higher to the fourth level, learning from these authorities, adopting their knowledge, manners and narrative. At this point, we start to develop such qualities as discipline, motivation, dedication, diligence and so on, depending on the scope of application. The vital principle at this level is quite simple: If you want to accomplish recognition and trust, show why you are worth it.

Some people stay at this level, however, the more curious types peek into the keyhole to see if there is something else behind this door. At this fifth level, we move away from the general hustle, become introspective and begin to crystallize our uniqueness. This process is called self-actualization: when the level of confidence, freedom and faith in ourselves allows us to inspire others, to support others and their lives by our actions. At this level, we are converging on our personal mission and begin to get followers.

I often meet with owners and managers of companies who incur a shortage of leaders on their projects, and the discussion slowly turns on where to find them.

My response is such: Leaders are limited “goods” greatly demanded by companies, and it would be less costly and more effective to develop them from the pool of existing employees. Potential leaders should successfully pass through the third, fourth and fifth levels of Maslow’s Hierarchy, learning the lessons of each. Some leaders learn faster, some take longer, but experiencing each level is a necessity in the development of leadership skills.

The Level Of Belonging (The Third Level): At this level, the leader must be able to participate as a team member. Therefore, learning to integrate is a must. A potential leader should know how to speak the language of their team and follow the rules.

The Level Of Recognition (The Fourth Level): Companies should pay special attention to those who demonstrate more diligence, motivation and interest and generally accomplish more than is required, typically going one step ahead of their peers. Such employees are a good bet as potential leaders. At this level, many managers make a common mistake: Instead of recognizing distinguishable attributes of such employees, they focus on weaker traits that seem to need special attention. Imagine that an employee has great negotiating skills and instead of utilizing and expanding them, we teach them how to write texts. Our intentions are good, but they may create an opposite effect. Therefore, go with the best and “press forward” on their strengths.

The Level Of Self-Actualization (The Fifth Level): The greater our ability to recognize and reveal individuals with the most initiative, the greater the likelihood of generating new leaders. First, their initiative already demonstrates their involvement in the company’s affairs. Second, real masters have outstanding attention to detail. Third, they constantly want to improve the existing model, and are looking ahead!

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