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Making The Perfect Sales Call

Forbes Coaches Council
Clara Capano

In order to run a successful business, we need to stay connected to our clients. The phone is one of the best ways to connect, serve and build relationships. But even in sales, many of us suffer from “call reluctance” — we don’t like to make phone calls.

Here are some tips on how to change that.

Make A Connection Call, Not A Sales Call

One of the most important concepts to grasp is that you aren't actually making a sales call, but rather, a connection call. Nobody wants to be sold to. In fact, if they feel that's your objective in the first few moments, they will automatically become turned off and disconnect.

To get better at making a connection, implement the FORD principle: family, occupation, recreation and dreams. This helps you get to know your people. When you make the call, don't jump into the “sale." Take a moment to ask the prospect about their life. Make it personal.

The reality is: Everyone’s favorite topic is themselves. Give them a platform to talk about them, and use this time to listen and learn about what's happening in their life. It doesn't take long — just a few seconds — but the impact will be long-term.

Sample questions can include:

"How's your week going?"

"How was your weekend?"

"Any fun plans for the summer?"

If you know them and currently have a relationship with them, recall your last conversation with them:

"Last time we talked, you were getting ready to take a trip. How was that?"

Show them you care and know them. It allows you to deepen your connection and build trust. As you make the calls, your purpose is not to sell to them, but to establish a rapport with them. The sale is the byproduct of your ability to connect and build relationships.

Know The Objective

Every call has a purpose. Is it to educate the client on a new product or tool you have, to set an appointment, or to follow up from an earlier call? Get clear on that purpose so you can tailor your mindset and questions and gain the objective you desire.

For example, if the objective is to get face-to-face with the client, I would approach that call differently than if I was just following up to see if they received an item from me or if I had questions about our last conversation.

Once you are clear on the objective, ask yourself what the best questions are to help you achieve this objective and how you can best deliver these questions/the message so they will truly hear it. This requires you to prepare before the call. Most calls with no real purpose or plan go off the rails. The more prepared you are, the more in control and successful you will be in achieving your objective.

Have a follow-up plan.

Always leave the call with a concrete plan for what's next. Will you be sending them an email recapping what you discussed, meeting them in person, or making a follow-up call in a certain time frame? Again, clarity is key. Make sure that there is a set plan. This will show you have a process and that you are purposeful in how you work with your clients. It also creates accountability for both you and the client. It sets the expectation of a future connection.

Client calls don't have to be difficult, and they shouldn't be avoided. They are one of the best tools in sales to leverage your time and deliver value. Use the phone as a purposeful and positive way to connect, and watch the magic happen. Take the right steps to turn your calls into one of your best sales tools.

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