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Leading After The Party Is Over

This article is more than 4 years old.

It happens in every organization, especially retail companies during the holidays.  The sale of the year is over, the grand opening has opened, the big event has concluded.  There is a humongous build-up with all the getting ready for, and planning for, and ramping up for…and then, it finally ends.  The candles are all blown out and the door is locked.  And, employees are left with an empty feeling 

Think of it as seller’s remorse.  The let-down after so much build-up is inevitable.  It can leave employees feeling drained, sometimes wondering if it was all worth the effort.  Results are not in; the score has not been tallied and the reviews are not yet written.  

It reminds me of the early days of the NY Broadway scene.  After the final curtain on opening night, actors, directors and musicians and anyone who cared about the affirmation of the audience all went to Sardi’s since the restaurant was open late thanks to its theatre loving owner, Vincent Sardi.  There, they waited until midnight for the reviews to come out in the morning papers.  During the wait, there was laughter, stories and drinking…lots of drinking.  It was as if your very existence was anchored to the Arts Section of the New York Times.  

But, what if a wise leader steered emotion in a more productive direction.  Such redirection takes four leader actions—celebration, confirmation, consolation and cultivation.  All of these actions are a plan for closing the gap between a downer and a winner.

Celebration:  A Pause for Reflection Can Be Empowering 

Plan and execute a post-big event gathering for all involved.  This is a time to surface good feelings and highlights that were a part of the “party” planning and implementation.  Congratulate your staff on all their successes.  Make reflection fun. Be sure to tell upbeat stories both their content and tone.  Photos taken during the event can help communicate best of the special event.  A large software firm stages an annual client conference that ends mid-day.  However, the employees who poured their soul into planning and managing the conference get to stay an additional night to join in their over-the-top celebration, complete with special awards in comical categories.  Spouses are including in this highly decorated “never-miss” extravaganza for employees who might otherwise close up and hurry home.

Confirmation:  A Spotlight for Appreciation and Gratitude

Confirmation begins with “see.”  This is a chance to express thanks to the many who created and delivered the event.  It is not about “thank you, Jane, for your work,” it includes pictorial descriptions that attendees can see in their mind’s eye.  It requires details of actions taken; illustrations on the difference it made, and the authentic feel-good superlatives that decorate expressions of appreciation.  Highlight unique tasks that fell outside the role definition and made a difference in the event.  Consider holding this event at a time and place family members can come so they hear the affirmations made about their loved ones.  Let them “see” the important difference they made.  And, don’t forget to acknowledge the sacrifice family members made in supporting an employee.

Consolation:  A Supportive Chance to Say Good-By

Part-time and temporary staff are often additions to the execution of a big event.  Oftentimes, with the event over and the need for added resources reduced, there is a parting of these special staff members.  Keep in mind that in the crucible of time-crunch and over-the-top efforts, tight personal bonds are forged.  It is like the friends you enjoyed at camp.  You became close to people you knew you would likely never see again, so you resolved to be pen pals.  In the same way, be sure to acknowledge the contributions of part-time or temporary staff while allowing time for expressions of “sweet sorrow.”  Demonstrate your best empathy and sincere understanding and provide time for processing the natural discomfort associated with parting.  Mild expressions of anger are not unique in the face of emotional loss, regardless of the fairness of the arrangement.

Cultivation:  Rear View Review Creates Front End Preparation

The time between harvesting a big event and cultivating the next one can be valuable learning time.  And, the closer to harvest it is done, the more like the lessons learned will be fresh and easy for recall.  Examine together the components that worked well, the features that need improvement and the lessons learned.  Be sure to bring into the assessment customer feedback, complaints, reviews, congratulations and any evidence that can surface an opportunity to get better.  Make your focus on learning not on chastising or rebuking.  A bank, after the grand opening of a new branch, opted to Monday morning quarterback as if they were “event auditors” —outsiders examining evidence, not fellow colleagues critiquing each other.  It enabled a far more candid critique by removing the personality from the examination.  This can also be an excellent time for employees to share personal learnings and individual plans for new behaviors going forward.  

Psychologists label the emotional let-down that follows a big event Post-Adrenaline blues.  We all know it well.  It is that empty low-energy feeling you have the morning after your planned holiday or birthday party.  The challenge is, the customer expects the same level of high-energy service the day after as they do the day before.  It is just like your children who still expected you to get up, prepare breakfast and get them off to school no matter how late your party lasted.  It means the sooner we can help rebalance, recharge and renew the better we serve those who depend on us. 

“Treat yourself (and your employees) gently,” advises psychologist Eileen Kennedy-Moore.  “It is like recovering from the flu.  Eat well. Rest.  And, reach out to the people who care about you, especially if you have been neglecting those relationships lately.”   Properly coming down after a big event high, can equip you to serve customers well when everything gets back to normal.  

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