Quick Guide to the Best Side Hustle Jobs for 2021


Are you sick of living paycheck-to-paycheck? Sometimes, working full-time isn’t enough — especially if you have debt or dreams of traveling. When most of your paycheck goes toward bills, it’s difficult to indulge in these new experiences.

That’s where side hustles come in to save the day. They help increase your income so you can pay off debt, grow your retirement savings, and stop living paycheck-to-paycheck.

By taking on a side hustle, your financial stress will be relieved and your wallet will thank you! Keep on reading to see the best side hustle jobs on the market right now.

The Best Side Hustle Jobs in 2021

We are fortunate enough to live in a day-and-age where we have information at our fingertips. The internet has opened up so many opportunities for us to work remotely and make some extra cash, so why not take advantage of that?

These side hustles will not only help relieve your financial stress, but they’re also simple and fun. That way, you aren’t tackling difficult tasks on top of your full-time gig.

Proofreading and Copyediting

It sounds too good to be true, but proofreading and copyediting work have an average base pay of $45,222 per year.

Proofreaders check for errors throughout a draft of writing to make sure it’s ready for publishing. Mistakes can be minor errors like misplaced commas or misspelled words. There are some cases where the writing contains larger errors that will require more work. That’s where copyediting comes in!

Even the most professional writers can make mistakes in their writing, so proofreading and copyediting will always be a job that needs to be done!

Selling Stuff Online

If you don’t mind letting go of some old items, this is the perfect job for you.

Selling items like furniture, clothes, shoes, accessories, and electronics online can make you money fast. With apps like Facebook Marketplace, Depop, Mercari, and ThredUp, you can create listings for items at your own price.

If you’re social media savvy, it doesn’t hurt to advertise these listings across your profiles to get the word out. You should be able to get these items off your hands and money into your pockets in no time!

Completing Retail Store Projects

There are plenty of local businesses and retail stores that need extra help these days. One of the benefits of technology is being able to find which businesses could use an extra hand.

With the app Merchandiser by Survey.com, regular folks can pick up quick, easy retail tasks and get paid up to $150 via PayPal.

This is great because most of these projects take about 15 minutes to complete and they don’t require extensive training. You get to choose which projects — which range from five-minute audits to 8-hour shifts — you want to complete.

You can find out more about Merchandiser at this page.

Becoming a Social Media Influencer

This is probably the most fun job on this list, especially if you’re creative! It’s important to note that social media success doesn’t happen overnight, but you can totally rake in the big bucks if you put your mind to it.

You can start by partnering with local small businesses and promoting them on your social media feeds. Brands and businesses will usually provide cash compensation for your posts. The more you work with brands and get your name out there, the more money you can make over time!

Next Steps for Finding the Best Side Hustle Jobs

By now, with this list of the best side hustle jobs, you should have your eye on your next side gig. So go out there, apply for any positions you feel you qualify for, and don’t forget to put your best foot forward and kiss your financial stress goodbye!

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