Frequently Asked Questions From Your Employees Regarding Your Newly Implemented HCM

April 25, 2017

Any time a company changes from one Human Capital Management (HCM) system to another, there’s always a learning curve.  The employees will have questions and they usually center around accessibility, pay and personal information.  It would help HR to anticipate what questions the employees will have and have a consistent message when answering.  Below you will find some very common FAQs from employees that I’ve encountered in the past.  While most systems may vary, here are some observations.

How will I access the new system?

The new HCM is a cloud/web based system, so you can access anywhere you have an internet connection.  You will use the URL that HR provided.  HR will also be the one that supplies your user name and default password.  The password will need to be changed upon first login.

Who do I contact if I forget my password?

On the login page, there is usually a forgot password link.  You can click this link and follow the on-screen instructions.  As a backup process, you can contact HR and they will be able to reset your password to your default and then when you log on again, you will be prompted to change.  If you do not have this link, contact your system administrator.

Can I access from home or mobile?

You can access anywhere you have internet access.  You will just need to make sure you know the URL to type into the browser.  Some vendors may have a user app, but others will require you to enter the URL into any mobile device.  For your specific system, check with your administrator.

My understanding is that we will be entering our time differently with the new HCM.  Will there be a training for how employees are to access and enter time?

Yes, there will be a new way to enter time.  HR and the Time Management Consultant will schedule training times and dates which will be disseminated to employees to join the training.  This training will be provided prior to the roll out of the new time management module.

I’m a salaried employee. Do I enter daily time worked?

This will vary by employer, but usually as a salaried employee, you will only enter exceptions to your regular hours. (i.e. Vacation, Sick, Jury, bereavement, etc.)  Holiday, oftentimes, will not need to be populated.  It may populate based on the Holiday schedule in the system.  Training dates and times will be scheduled by HR to review how to do this.

I’ve entered all my time for the pay period but I forget to submit. Will I get paid?

Normally your manager can submit for you.  When your manager goes in to approve and you haven’t submitted by the deadline, the manager can submit on your behalf and then approve.

I currently put in a time off request via a paper form, will this stay the same?

It depends on whether-or-not the company has purchased and turned on this capability.  If they have this option, you should be able to request time off from your web browser or an App depending on the vendor and your configuration. This should be discussed in training prior to roll out.

What if I need to change some of my personal information (i.e. banking information, address change, Tax withholding, etc)?

When you log in to the system, you should see all the different items you can view and change.  This will depend on what processes HR has turned on and is allowing employees to change.  The change could possibly have to go through an approval process, if enabled that way by HR, before it is applied.

This list is not all-inclusive.  A suggestion would be for the team members from HR, payroll, benefits and possibly IT to get together and brain storm about other questions that you think employees might ask, and get ahead of the influx of questions. Being prepared with answers to FAQs will allow your HR team to respond more quickly to questions, and make it more likely your system will be adopted throughout all levels of your organization.

HRchitect has worked with many clients to conduct end user training and create end user training plans to address each stakeholder group within the client organization. In addition, HRchitect can assist with change management to ensure your employees are adopting the new system you’ve invested a significant amount of time and money to implement, helping your company achieve a greater return on investment (ROI).



