Mobile Computing soon to Dominate HR Software Investments

I’m preparing for my HR Technology Conference presentation (SM2: E-Learning becomes We-Learning:  How Mobile and Social Technologies are Transforming Learning Management), and in the process have come to the conclusion that the two biggest trends which will shape HR technology for the next few years are mobile devices and “big data.”

I’d like to encourage you to join me at the conference for the details – (click here to register).

A few points of information which may get you thinking this way:

  • Morgan Stanley expects the “mobile connected internet” to have 10 billion devices by mid-2015, dwarfing the number of traditional computers by 10:1
  • The Apple iPad alone is expected to sell 55-60 million devices in 2011, up from 14 million in 2010.  Compare that to the number of PC’s expected to be sold (around 450 million), and you see that the tablet market is already as big as 12% of the total PC market.
  • Mobile devices, through their integrated camera, location awareness, rich media capability, and new user interface, can run applications which were never before possible on traditional internet-connected computers.  I will highlight some of these at the Conference.
  • Consumerization of technology has now driven all professionals to use their cell phones and mobile devices every day (34% of young people sleep with their phones), meaning that the business world must rapidly adapt to these devices as application platforms.  (How many of you check your email and Facebook messages while in meetings?)

The mobile learning market, which is well over 10 years old and has been languishing with multiple devices, too many operating systems, low bandwidth, and a variety of other problems, is now ready to explode.

Come listen to this presentation and understand why mobile (and BigData) will be the two biggest opportunities for HR technology in the coming years.

1 Response

  1. Elizabeth says:

    Hello Josh:

    I would love to hear your presentation, but am unable to travel.

    Would you be recording this event?