Company Culture Why it Matters for Success

Company culture is a very important factor of the day to day running of your business, as with the right approach to company culture you can see improvements in the overall output and productivity of your company, and happiness of your employers.

It may be time to assess your current company culture, to see if improvements can be made. Company culture involves various considerations. For example, most employers today expect their employees to be available via email at any given time of the day. The same applies to clients, other business, and, most notably, customers. What this means for the employee is that the boundaries between work and life are blurred. Without proper downtime, stress levels rise, and burnouts are increasingly likely.

Also read: 7 Reasons Why Company Culture Must Be Nurtured, Not Imposed

Combine this reality with the increased focus on mental health and wellbeing, and you have a toxic environment where employees leave after a year or less, and employers are left to pick up the costs of ongoing recruitment. To avoid this, you need to reconfigure how you conduct business and change your company culture.

Set Boundaries Between Work and Home

The first step as an employer will be to set boundaries. You cannot and should not expect your employees to answer emails or to do work at home without being paid overtime. You are cutting into their personal time, affecting their mental health, and contributing to the pandemic culture of chronic stress.

Instead, set boundaries and stick to them. Do not contact your employees after hours and expect them to respond outside of office hours. Do this, and you will have already contributed to a more positive company culture from the get-go.

Improve Your Recruitment Criteria

Hiring someone because they can do their job is no longer enough. You need to hire people that you think will work well together because teamwork is critical to success in today’s workforce. That is why you should put together the ideal employee profile.

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This does not mean hiring the same person but instead, hiring someone based on whether or not they have the same drive. If your office works predominantly in teams, then having someone who loves working with others will go a long way.

Offer Corporate Perks and Rewards

Personalized rewards and perks will go a long way towards improving your company culture. Rewarding staff should come naturally, especially with rewards that employees will actually care about, for significant work they have done. Sign up with rewards experts so that you can keep your rewards system budget friendly. That way you can offer rewards on an everyday basis, improve your company culture, and still come out on top at the end of the quarter.

Some rewards don’t have to cost you anything but some understanding. For example, you can offer your employees a few days of the year that they can work from home instead of in the office. This will help parents whose kids might be sick immensely, as they won’t have to use up one of their personal sick days to look after their family, for example, and can instead work from home. The more satisfied that your employees are with their work-life balance, the better they will like working for you, and the better they can work for you.

Provide Team-Building Opportunities

Team building does not have to be boring or feel like a chore. There are many games and activities out there that will help your employees bond and have fun at the same time. You can reward a team for their great work with an escape room experience, for example. That way, not only can you reward them with something fun, you can also help further their team bond.

Also read: 5 Exciting Scenarios For Your Teambuilding Event

Combined, this will lead to greater satisfaction and better team-solving amongst your employees.

Improve the Environment

Finally, the last way you can easily improve your company culture is with the environment itself. Improve the office space and the break room so that your employees’ health and wellbeing are supported. A social, inviting space that is bright and full of natural elements like air-purifying plants will go a long way towards improving your employees’ well-being and satisfaction in the workplace. What will this mean for your business? It’ll mean that your employees will like being at the office. This will improve productivity and satisfaction, leading to better results and greater employee retention. 

There are so many ways you can improve your company’s culture, and all of them will lead to improved productivity, improved employee retention, and improved results. When in doubt, ask your employees about what you can do. Build a family, and you will build the cornerstone your company needs for success.

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