101 Top Employee Engagement Experts You Can Follow

Kevin Kruse in his new book – ?Employee Engagement for Everyone: 4 Keys to Happiness and Fulfillment at Work?encourages you to follow these 101 top employee engagement experts to deepen your understanding of motivation, engagement, and happiness at work.

Contrary to popular opinion individual employees can increase their engagement and happiness at work. ?As Dalai Lama says ?Happiness is not something ready-made. It comes from your own actions ?.?Be thyself and start owning your happiness at work.

Kevin details the drivers of happiness and engagement based not just on his own experience as a Best Place to Work winner, but also on surveys of more than 10 million workers in 150 countries.

Following these top 101 employee engagement Twitter accounts and subscribing to their blog posts is a great ways?to learn more and to stay informed on the latest research and thinking in employee engagement .

The list of 101 Top Employee Engagement Experts ( not in order of ranking)

Erika Andersen
Author, Leading So People Will Follow
Twitter: @erikaandersen
Website/Blog: http://erikaandersen.com

Susan Avello
Owner, Social Buzz Concepts
Twitter: @susanavello
Website/Blog: http://hrvirtualcafe.com/

Cheri Baker
President, Emergence Consulting
Twitter: @cheribaker
Website/Blog: http://blog.emergenceconsulting.net

Ann Bares
Consultant/Blogger, Compensation Force
Twitter: @annbares
Website/Blog: http://compforce.typepad.com

John Baldoni
President, Baldoni Consulting LLC
Twitter: @JohnBaldoni
Website/Blog: Lead By Example www.johnbaldoni.com/blog

Jappreet Sethi
Human Resources Blog
Twitter: @TopHRblog

Irene Becker
Speaker, Coach, Writer, 3Q Leadership Blog
Twitter: @justcoachit
Website/Blog: http://justcoachit.com

Meghan Biro
Founder & CEO, Talent Culture
Twitter: meghanmbiro
Website/Blog: www.talentculture.com

Trish McFarlane
Director, Human Resources, Perficient, Inc.
Twitter- @TrishMcFarlane
Website/Blog: http://hrringleader.com and

Jay Shepherd
COO, The Outstandingness Project
Twitter: @jayshep
Website: http://jayshep.com

Blog: Gruntled Employees, http://gruntledemployees.com

Kevin Sheridan
Best Selling Author, Keynote Speaker, & Chief Engagement
Twitter: @kevinsheridan12
LinkedIn Group: Employee Engagement Emporium

Jeremy Henderson
Chief Client Partner, Jungle Red Communication
Twitter: @Jungle_Red_Comm
Website/Blog: www.jungleredcommunication.com

LinkedIn Group: Employee Communications and Engagement

Mike Henry
Sr. Chief Instigator, Lead Change Group, Inc.
Twitter: @mikehenrysr
Website/Blog: http://leadchangegroup.com

John Hollon
Vice President for Editorial and Editor-in-Chief, TLNT
Twitter: @JohnHollon (on Twitter)
Website/Blog: www.TLNT.com

Steve Boese
Twitter: @SteveBoese
Website/Blog: http://fistfuloftalent.com/meet-steve-boese-html

Gary Brose
Author, Motivation Studies
Twitter: @bizsherpa
Website/Blog: www.motivationstudies.org

Dawn Burke
Twitter: @DawnHRrocks
Website/Blog: http://fistfuloftalent.com/meet-dawn-hrdlica-burke-html

Susan Burns
Chief Talent Strategist, Talent Synchronicity
Twitter: @TalentSynch
Website/Blog: www.TalentSynchronicity.com

Alison Chisnel
The HR Juggler
Twitter: @AlisonChisnell
Website/Blog: http://thehrjuggler.wordpress.com

Douglas R. Conant
Founder & CEO, ConantLeadership
Former CEO, Campbell Soup Company
Twitter: @DougConant
Website/Blog: www.conantleadership.com

Lolly Daskal
Founder and President of Lead From Within
A global consultancy Firm that is passionate about Heart Based
Twitter: @lollydaskal
Website/Blog: www.lollydaskal.com

Kelly Dingee
Twitter: @SourcerKelly
Website/Blog: http://fistfuloftalent.com/meet-kelly-dingee-html

Holland Dombeck
Editor, Fistful of Talent
Twitter: @Holland_Dombeck
Website/Blog: http://fistfuloftalent.com/meet-holland-dombeck

David Ducheyne
Chief People Officer, Securex
Twitter: @dducheyne
Website/Blog: www.Hrchitects.net

LinkedIn Group: Employee Engagement

Kris Dunn
Twitter: @Kris_Dunn
Website/Blog: http://fistfuloftalent.com/2008/05/about-kris-dunn-fistful-o.html

S. Chris Edmonds
Founder & CEO, The Purposeful Culture Group
Twitter: @scedmonds
Website/Blog: http://drivingresultsthroughculture.com

Ron Edmondson
Pastor, Immanuel Baptist Church
Twitter: @ronedmondson
Website/Blog: www.ronedmondson.com

Ben Eubanks
HR Manager, Pinnacle Solutions, Inc.
Twitter: @beneubanks
Website/Blog: http://upstarthr.com

Melissa H. Fairman
HR Generalist, Service Partners
Twitter: @HrRemix
Website/Blog: www.hrremix.com

Brad Federman
President, Performancepoint, LLC.
Chief Operating Officer, F&H Solutions Group
Twitter: @bfederman
Website/Blog: www.performancepointllc.com/blog-0/

Fistful of Talent
Twitter: @FistfulofTalent
Website/Blog: www.fistfuloftalent.com

Joseph Fung
CEO, TribeHR
Twitter: @TribeHR
Website/Blog: http://tribehr.com/blog

Vele Galovski
Author, Perpetual Innovation Machine
Twitter: @vgalovski
Website/Blog: http://perpetualinnovationmachine.com/

Tim Gardner
Director, Organizational Effectiveness, Kimberly-Clark Corp.
Twitter: @TimJGardner
Website/Blog: The HR Introvert, http://thehrintrovert.com

Joe Gerstandt
The Value of Difference
Twitter: @joegerstandt
Website/Blog: www.joegerstandt.com/blog

Gautam Ghosh
Organizations 2.0
Twitter: @gautamghosh
Website/Blog: www.gautamblogs.com

Steve Gifford
Twitter: @BaghdadMBA
Website/Blog: http://fistfuloftalent.com/meet-steve-gifford

China Gorman
China Gorman Blog
Twitter: @chinagorman
Website/Blog: http://chinagorman.com

William Gould
HR Soot
Twitter: @wllmgould
Website/Blog: www.hrsoot.com

Alison Green
Ask a Manager
Twitter: @AskAManager
Website/Blog: www.askamanager.org

Mike Haberman
Senior HR Consultant, Omega HR Solutions, Inc
Twitter: @MikeHaberman
Website/Blog: http://omegahrsolutions.com

Lance Haun
Twitter: @thelance
Website/Blog: http://lancehaun.com

Erika Heald
Editor-in-Chief, Achievers
Twitter: @Achievers
Website/Blog: The Employee Success Blog,

Paul Hebert
Vice President – Solutions Design
Twitter: @incentintel
Website/Blog: Symbolist, www.symbolist.com

Frode Heimen
Customer Service Expert, Kundeserviceskolen as
Twitter: @FrodeHeimen
Website/Blog: http://www.nevermindthemanager.com

Dierdre Honner
HR Maven
Twitter: @theHRmaven
Website/Blog: www.thehrmaven.com

Michael Hyatt
Intentional Leadership
Website/Blog: http://michaelhyatt.com


Derek Irvine
VP Client Strategy & Consulting, Globoforce
Website/Blog: http://www.recognizethisblog.com

Charlie Judy
HR Fishbowl
Twitter: @HRfishbowl
Website/Blog: www.hrfishbowl.com

Lola Kakes
Effortless HR
Twitter: effortlessHR
Website/Blog: www.effortlesshr.com

Marisa Keegan
Twitter: @MarisaKeegan
Website/Blog: www.marisakeegan.com


Barbara Kimmel
Executive Director, Trust Across America
Twitter: @BarbaraKimmel
Website/Blog: www.trustacrossamerica.com

Alexander Kjerulf
Chief Happiness Officer
Twitter: @alexkjerulf
Website/Blog: www.positivesharing.com

Jason Lauritsen
CEO, Co-Founder, Talent Anarchy
Twitter: @JasonLauritsen
Website/Blog: www.talentanarchy.com

Dwane Lay
Author, Lean HR
Twitter: @leanhr & @dwanelay
Website/Blog: www.leanhrblog.com

Jessica Lee
Twitter: @Jessica_Lee
Website/Blog: http://fistfuloftalent.com/meet-jessica-lee-html

Victor Lipman
Author, Management Matters on Forbes
Twitter: @victorlipman1

Sharlyn Louby
Author of HR Bartender
Twitter: @hrbartender
Website/Blog: www.hrbartender.com

Suzanne Lucas
Evil HR Lady
Twitter: @RealEvilHRLady
Website/Blog: http://evilhrlady.org

David Macleod/Nita Clarke
Engage for Success
Twitter: @engage4sucess
Website/Blog: www.engageforsuccess.org

Paul Marciano, Ph.D.
Author, Carrots and Sticks Don’t Work
Twitter: @drpaulmarciano
Website/Blog: http://www.paulmarciano.com/category/myblog/

Judy Martin
Founder, WorkLifeNation
Twitter: @judymartin8
Website/Blog: www.WorkLifeNation.com

John C. Maxwell
Leadership Speaker and Author
John Maxwell Company
Website/Blog: http://johnmaxwellonleadership.com

Twitter: @johncmaxwell

Susan Mazza
CEO Clarus Consulting Group, LLC
Twitter: @SusanMazza

Barrie Mershon/ Linda Brenner
Managing Director, Designs on Talent
Twitter: @DesignsOnTalent
Website/Blog: http://www.designsontalent.com/blog/

Jennifer V. Miller
Managing Partner, SkillSource
Twitter: @JenniferVMiller

Jessica Miller-Merrell, SPHR
HR Blogger & Blogging 4 Jobs
Twitter: @_hrblogger
Website/Blog: www.hrblogger.info

Shauna Moerke
HR Minion
Twitter: @hr_minon
Website/Blog: http://hrminion.com

Matt Monge
Chief Culture Officer at Mazuma Credit Union & Chief Mojo
Maker, The Mojo Company
Twitter: @MattMonge

R.J. Morris
Twitter: @RJ_Morris
Website/Blog: http://fistfuloftalent.com/meet-r-j-morris

Mike Morrison
Collaboration & Community Leader, RapidBI
Twitter: @RapidBi
Website/Blog: http://rapidbi.com/blog

Shawn Murphy, Speaker and Author
Managing Director at KAI Partners
Co-Founder, Switch and Shift
Twitter: @shawmu
Website/Blog: www.switchandshift.com

Tanveer Naseer
Principal and Founder, Tanveer Naseer Leadership
Twitter: @TanveerNaseer
Website/Blog: www.TanveerNaseer.com

Kate Nasser
The People-Skills Coach(TM), President, CAS, Inc.
Twitter: @KateNasser

Daniel Newman
Twitter: @danielnewmanuv
Website/Blog: http://millennialceo.com

Jason Pankow
Twitter: @jpankow
Website/Blog: http://fistfuloftalent.com/jason_pankowindex-html

Kimberly Paterson
Unconventional HR
Twitter: @Kimberly_patt
Website/Blog: www.unconventionalhr.com

Andy Porter
Twitter: @andyt_porter
Website/Blog: http://fistfuloftalent.com/meet-andy-porter-html

Travis Pearl and Kevin Nakao
Amplify Excellence – The MeritShare Blog
Twitter: @meritshare

Joey Price
CEO of JumpstartHR
Website/Blog: www.jumpstart-hr.com

Skip Prichard
CEO, SkipPrichard.com
Twitter: @SkipPrichard
Website/Blog: www.skipprichard.com

Nisha Raghavan
Co-Host of DriveThruHR- HR’s #1 Daily Radio Show
Twitter: @TheHRbuddy
Website/Blog: http://nisharaghavan.com/

Kathy Rapp
Twitter: @KatRapp
Website/Blog: http://fistfuloftalent.com/kathy-rapp-html

Jim Rembach
Chief Spokesman, Beyond Morale
Twitter: @BeyondMorale
Website/Blog: www.beyondmorale.com/blog

Dan Rockwell
Leadership Freak
Twitter: @leadershipfreak
Website/Blog: http://leadershipfreak.wordpress.com

Steve Roesler
All Things Workplace
Twitter: @steveroesler
Website/Blog: www.steveroesler.com

Lisa Rosendahl
Co-Founder and Editor of WomenofHR
Website/Blog: http://lisarosendahl.com

Suzanne Rumsey
Twitter: @sbrumsey

Tim Sackett, SPHR
President, HRU Technical Resources
Twitter: @TimSackett
Website/Blog: www.timsackett.com

Robin Schooling, SPHR
VP Human Resources
Twitter: @RobinSchooling
Website/Blog: http://hrschoolhouse.com/

Terrence Seamon
Author, Lead the Way
Twitter: @tseamon
Website/Blog: http://learningvoyager.blogspot.com

Dr. William Seidman
CEO, Cerebyte, Inc.
Twitter: @Cerebyte
Website/Blog: http://www.cerebyte.com/journal/

Paul Smith
Director, HR & Operations
Twitter handle: @pasmuz
Website/Blog: www.welcometotheoccupation.com

Meredith Soleau
Twitter: @MeredithSoleau
Website/Blog: http://fistfuloftalent.com/meet-meredith-soleau

Maria Isabel Soto
Talent Sustainability
Twitter: @MarialsabeSoto
Website/Blog: www.talentsustainability.com

Matthew Stollak
True Faith HR
Twitter: @akabruno
Website/Blog: http://truefaithhr.blogspot.com

John Sumser
HR Examiner
Twitter: @johnsumser
Website/Blog: www.hrexaminer.com

William Tincup
Twitter: @williamtincup
Website/Blog: http://fistfuloftalent.com/meet-william-tincup

Michael VanDervort
Human Race Horses
Twitter: @MikeVanDervort
Website/Blog: www.thehumanracehorses.com

Scott Williams
CEO, NxtLevel Solutions
Website/Blog: www.bigisthenewsmall.com

Twitter: @ScottWilliams

David Zinger
Founder, Employee Engagement Network
Twitter: @davidzinger
Website/Blog: www.davidzinger.com

This list is part of Kevin’ book -??Employee Engagement for Everyone: 4 Keys to Happiness and Fulfillment at Work?.? Kevin Kruse ( www.KevinKruse.com.)?is an internationally recognized leadership expert, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today bestselling author, and Forbes.com columnist.?As a popular keynote speaker, Kevin has addressed diverse audiences, ranging from Fortune 500 companies to non-profits to conferences and even the U.S. Marine Corps.

Jappreet Sethi


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5 thoughts on “101 Top Employee Engagement Experts You Can Follow

  1. Well, employee engagement plays an important role in retaining employees and decreasing attrition rate for a company. I am sure that following the experts given above will be prove as a step ahead for improving employee engagement for an HR.

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