The Future of Workforce Engagement
Posted by Melissa Meunier on Wed, Nov 15, 2017 @ 01:00 PM

Engage2Excel_TL_Future of Wrokforce Engagment_resources SM.pngMany consultants and analysts would have us believe that the future will bring fundamental changes in how we do our jobs. That, of course, is what keeps them in business. However, what changes can HR leaders realistically expect when it comes to managing workforce engagement? And, to what extent is the past a prologue to the future? We put these questions to Engage2Excel’s Chief Scientific Officer, Jack Wiley, Ph.D., who has three decades of experience in conducting engagement surveys and analyzing global trends. You’ll find a summary of Jack’s answers in our latest article, The Future of Workforce Engagement.

 Here are a few takeaways from the interview:

  • Changing Priorities: Job security was a top driver for engagement in the late 1990s and early 2000s, but in 2016 fair pay emerged as a top driver.

  • Recognition Influences Retention: Confidence in leadership, recognition, career development and person-job fit have been the most reoccurring of the top drivers for retention. However, between 2011 and 2016, the importance of recognition grew by 9 percentage points, from 43% to 53%.

  • Looking Ahead: Increasing expectations from employees combined with technology that enables greater transparency will force HR to truly think about their candidates and employees as consumers, where a one-size-fits-all strategy simply won’t work.

Enjoy the read!


For more information: Engage2Excel can help you increase performance, retention and competitive advantage through integrated strategies for surveying, hiring and recognizing employees. To learn more about how we can help address your organization’s unique challenges, click here to schedule a discovery call.


Topics: Employee Engagement

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