How To Fill Your Uber-Competitive HR Executive Job

hr job

How To Fill Your Uber-Competitive HR Executive Job

The Great Resignation has many hiring managers and HR team members scrambling to fill jobs. If one of the jobs you have to fill is your HR executive, you not only have specific needs, but you probably need to fill this position speedily. Here is how you can fill your uber-competitive HR exec position in your company.

Create a Matrix

Once you’ve posted the position and been specific with your requirements, you will hopefully start to collect resumes. Track your resumes by the features that mean most to you, including the following:

  • Industry history
  • Education
  • Experience level

With a simple matrix that you can filter and sort, you can easily generate correspondence and winnow down the stack so you can focus on the folks that you really want to focus on.

Salary Considerations

Do a deep study of the salaries offered to HR executives in your area and be ready to come up with more cash if you can’t offer better benefits. Offering a run-of-the-mill salary gets you run-of-the-mill applicants. Worse, you run the risk of showing your company in a very bad light; the world of job searches is actually a very small town. You don’t want your company to turn into the internet meme of “guess who you really don’t want to work for” on social media.

If you’re trying to hire a candidate away from their current job, be ready to make a surprisingly good offer. You want to make eyes pop and jaws drop; an offer they can’t refuse is the simplest way to bring in the very best HR professionals. Your very happy and well-compensated HR exec will be a wonderful envoy to other professionals.


The past couple of years has been a very nervous time. If you don’t want to offer the chance to work from home, you may be dramatically hurting your chances of landing that prospect in this new work environment. Here’s the thing with HR executive leadership jobs: You want someone who will stick around. This means young people can be very helpful, and young people often have families that need tending.

Both moms and dads in the 21st century want time with that new baby, need to get to a soccer match and will need time at home to care for sick children. If your structure doesn’t allow this because the traditional home life is what is promoted or accepted, be aware that you may seriously limit not only your talent pool but the longevity of your brand new exec.

Provide Room to Customize

What HR software do you use to seek out new hires? What software does your new HR exec want to use to build up your business? Make sure that your new HR exec has the flexibility and the budget to put new software, tracking data and search tools to work as soon as they arrive.

If your business or industry is particularly change-phobic, lay the groundwork early. You need an HR exec, but if you put them in a position of having to duke it out with organizational leaders to put the very best software on the market to work for your company, you’re going to create relationships loaded with frustration and may even develop hard feelings between department leaders and HR.

Everyone is looking for the best candidates and is working hard to come up with the best packages to bring in the top talent. If HR has to scale a wall of resistance every time it’s time to find new hires, you’re simply going to have to pick from a smaller, more anemic pool. As possible, keep the change-phobic away from your HR team.

Provide Training and Education

Obviously, your HR exec will come in with a terrific education and strong skills. As possible, make sure they also have access to an overview of the training that your newest hires get. Here’s why: HR is often the first person that your newest hires see. Those potential new hires, even those coming in for an internship or a temporary seasonal position, may have questions at the job fair campus visit.

You want your HR team to be able to maintain the conversation until the department specialist can come up and continue the conversation. By connecting your new HR exec with the department specialist, you can generate a lot more interest and bring in more candidates overall.

About The Author

Taylor Haskings is a freelance writer born in Denver, Colorado. She graduated with a bachelor’s in English from the University of Colorado, Denver. She enjoys hiking in the Colorado Rockies and loves the fine arts, such as playing the violin. Her true strengths include networking with others and expressing herself through the written word.

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