If you want to grow and develop at work, it’s essential that you have access to frequent feedback and conversations focused on your professional development. At all types of organizations and at all levels, getting clear and direct feedback is important for improving at your job and mastering new skills.

By making it a priority to check in often with your direct reports and your manager, you are making a commitment to their personal growth and your own. While feedback conversations are essential to employee success, they can sometimes be challenging. This is especially true when the conversation is negative in nature.

It’s sometimes inevitable that checking in with an employee about performance means providing criticism and tough insights. Though this feedback can be necessary, it can be challenging to offer your thoughts in a way that doesn’t upset the other person or make them feel defensive.

Even if you don’t mean to be hurtful, it can be difficult for people to hear negativity about how they are doing at work. Though you are likely coming from a well-meaning place, it’s best to be aware that negative conversations about performance can come across as a personal attack.

Though they can be difficult, it’s essential that both employees and managers do not shy away from these communications! Companies that prioritize frequent feedback, even when it means engaging in tough conversations, typically have greater employee engagement and lower rates of turnover. Those that work at these companies are also more likely to have a clear picture of their performance, putting them in a position to advance quickly.

To get more comfortable giving constructive feedback, it’s important that you practice and prepare. Learning best practices for giving helpful criticism can also help make these types of conversations less intimidating.

If you struggle with giving constructive criticism, have no fear! Fundera created this awesome infographic on this topic that will help increase your confidence in these types of situations. This cool visual provides 9 helpful tips for offering negative feedback at the office in a constructive manner.

Read on to learn how to give criticism that’s firm yet productive so that you can be the best manager and leader possible.

9 No-Fail Tips for Giving Constructive Criticism at Work

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