How to Improve Your Staff and Patient Experience


How satisfied are your patients with your level of care? This doesn’t mean just your performance as a physician. It’s also your bedside manner and customer care that need to be top level. While you’re at it, you should be working to improve relations with your staff. Here are a few handy pointers on how to do it.

Keep Everyone on the Same Page

One of the first and best things you can do to improve relations with both your staff and patients is to stay in constant communication. You can do this by making use of modern text messaging for healthcare tactics. You can visit the web in order to download a program that can take care of this.

This is a crucial move because you want to be able to get everyone on the same page and keep them there. This is as true of your staff members as it is of your patients. For example, if a major event is going to be happening at your practice that involves all of your staff, you want to be able to message them all at once to inform them.

Likewise, if you decide to adopt a new special area of practice, you want as many of your patients as possible to know about it. In both of the above-named situations, your best bet will be to make use of a modern mass texting program. Doing so will give you the ability to reach all at once and make sure they all know what is happening.

Keep in Touch with Patients

The next thing you ought to do in order to improve your patient communication is to make sure to keep engaging with them even after their initial period of treatment and recovery has ended. You can send emails or the occasional postcard here and there in order to remind them that you are still available for them.

This is a good idea to consider if you have had trouble with patient retention in the past. You want to stay in touch with your patients in order to let them know that they can call on you in their hour of need. You don’t have to bombard them with constant reminders. Sending the occasional email or text ought to be enough to do the trick.

Use Social Media to Address Questions and Complaints

If you really want to know what your patients are thinking, the best way to find out is to set up an account on a social media network page. You’ll be amazed at how quickly your Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram page will fill up with comments, questions, and concerns. For patients, it really will be a case of “If you build it, they will come.”

This is a convenience that you can make use of in more ways than one. You can get a real feel for what drives your patients. You can make useful and authoritative replies that will increase their confidence in your bedside manner and skills.

Use Telehealth Conferences to Keep Patients Safe

Another important way in which you can keep both your patients and staff members safe is to make use of Skype or Zoom conferences whenever possible. For example, if you can handle a visit with a patient using telehealth, this will be a major convenience for them. They won’t have to put their own life or yours at risk during pandemic times.

You can also use Zoom or Skype to schedule conferences for your own staff. You can also take advantage of this modern convenience. Instead of having to travel halfway across the country to attend a medical conference, you can now just attend via Zoom. It’s a great way to save effort, time, and money while also preserving your safety.

The Time to Improve Your Outreach is Now

There are plenty of ways that you can adopt a more streamlined and effective outreach to both your patients and your staff. Doing so will help you improve your experience with both groups. It will make you a more effective employer and practice owner as well as a better doctor. The time for you to adopt these handy measures is now.

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