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How Leaders Can Provide Effective Informal Feedback

Forbes Coaches Council
Shane Green

Having worked with many service organizations around the world, one of the key areas that I often see lacking is that managers neglect to provide proper feedback to their employees. In fact, 32% of employees wait more than three months to receive feedback from their manager, leaving employees unsure of how their performance measures up to the expectations.

Feedback is defined as helpful information or criticism given to a person to help improve or reinforce behaviors. Feedback often comes formally from mechanisms like annual reviews, disciplinary actions or a company recognition program. All of these mechanisms are important, but they are often disappointing and lack credibility for an employee because they are not based on informal feedback. It is informal feedback — the in-the-moment, casual conversation with a person regarding their performance, behaviors or interactions — that makes the most significant difference. So, here are some important considerations for effective informal feedback and the model I teach managers from around the world to use:

Feedback must be timely. Ideally, informal feedback happens immediately after the behavior was observed or overheard. Feedback given hours or even days later loses its impact, and often, the employee will not even remember what they did.

Feedback must be fair. Consider the circumstances in which the behavior occurred. Not all poor performance is the employee’s fault. Consider whether they have been set up for success. Before giving feedback, ask yourself if the critique is fair. Did the employee know the right behavior? Perhaps the employee was not trained in this area. Also, consider whether this is the first or the hundredth time that you are giving this employee feedback. If this is the first time, then go easy. If it is the hundredth time, then it's probably time for the feedback to become more formal.

Feedback must be balanced. Balanced means ensuring that not all of the feedback you give is negative or regarding improvement. In fact, you should be providing more positive feedback and recognition than critiquing performance. Remember the 4:1 rule, which means our brain remembers negative feedback four times more than positive feedback. Therefore, we need to ensure we are providing at least the same, but preferably more, positive reinforcement than any critique.

Feedback must answer the 'why.' Always provide a reason for the feedback. Explain why the employee’s behavior is important, and explain the impact that his or her behavior has on the customers, the team and the company. All too often, feedback is given with little context, leaving the employee unsure of why it is being given.

Feedback must be personal. When giving someone feedback in the moment, remember to use the person's name so that they understand that this feedback is for them. This seems like a simple step, but there are managers out there who do not know the names of everyone on their team. So, get to know your team and be sure to personalize feedback.

Feedback must be specific. Remember to provide the details of what was observed or heard. Be clear in your description, and ensure the employee understands exactly what it is that he or she did well or that needs improvement.

Feedback must be based on questions, not statements. Ensure the person understands the impact of his or her behavior by asking questions regarding the impact of the behavior and what should happen next. By asking questions, the person receiving the feedback has to process information rather than passively listen.

Feedback must include a sincere thanks. Always thank a team member after giving feedback. Regardless of whether the feedback is positive or based around needing improvement, thank the employee for their contributions.

Let's take these ideas and integrate them into an easy-to-use model to help guide the informal feedback process. The model involves five steps and might look and sound like this:

1. Be personable and explain the purpose of the feedback (e.g., "John, we have been talking a lot about making great first impressions with our customers lately. Do you remember this?").

2. Be specific about what you observed or heard (e.g., "I happened to observe your last interaction with that customer, and you did not smile or offer a greeting when they approached you. Did you realize you did this?").

3. Ask about the impact of the actions (e.g., "What sort of impression do you think that had on them?").

4. Ask what they could do to improve in the future (e.g., "What could you do in the future to establish a better first impression?").

5. Thank them for their help and commitment moving forward (e.g., "John, thanks for helping us create a great first impression with our customers. Let me know if you need any help.").

You can use the same model for feedback for improvement or recognition; just change step four to asking them how you can support them to keep up this great work in the future.

By establishing a culture where regular, transparent and objective feedback occurs consistently, leaders drive performance and positively impact the mindset of their team.

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