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It's Time To Rewire How We Think About Retirement

Forbes Coaches Council
Gary Bradt

A friend of mine was struggling with the concept of retirement. For her, it conjured up feelings of being past her prime, of giving up something of great value, i.e., her professional identity. The mere contemplation of the word "retirement" raised uncomfortable feelings and a sense of loss, yet she recognized it was time for her to move on to the next phase of life, as she was at the natural end of the work cycle that had consumed much of her time and energy for so long.

What is an effective technique for making this transition?

We landed on a concept she found helpful. Perhaps you will too.

We decided she was not retiring so much as she was rewiring. This concept has been discussed before by authors Jeri Sedlar and Rick Miners. You can think about it like this:

Imagine you are remodeling a house. The electrical system, the home’s source of power and light, needs to be rewired. To do so, you remove outdated systems and replace them with modern means of flowing energy throughout the home. As a bonus, the new system could take advantage of all the technical gains in energy distribution that have been made since the home was originally built.

Rewiring your life when your working career ends is similar. It means taking your passions and energy and finding new mediums and pathways to bring power and light to your life. Your years of experience and maturity will inform new ways to infuse life with meaning and purpose.

Perhaps best of all, rewiring your life allows you to move on from doing what you have been required to do all these years to discovering and doing what you are inspired to do instead.

For some, knowing what those inspired desires are may be the first challenge. Inured by so many years of doing what you are supposed to do, it may take you a while to figure out what you actually want to do. And that’s OK.

Take your time, even if having time to do what you want may feel scary and unstructured at first. Relax into it. Exercise your body and your mind. Take long walks. Read. Sign up for a class. Talk with friends. Enjoy the grandkids if you are so blessed.

At this stage, let ideas come to you versus forcing them. Unlike parameters you were measured on at work, this is not a game of perfection, nor one that requires speed. Stay patient. Learning to meditate or practice mindfulness might help in this phase of the process.

Eventually, one step at a time, your new path will emerge. You may not know exactly where it’s headed, and that’s OK. It’s not important to have a final destination. It’s the getting there that counts.

For example, if you are a physician, instead of being required to see a steady flow of patients every day, maybe you will discover a desire to go on a mission trip instead. Or, maybe you will become inspired to provide medical services for underserved populations where you live. What you miss in financial rewards will be replaced with the satisfaction of making a difference for those who need it most.

If you are a businessperson, maybe you can rewire creative energies that previously went into work-related projects and direct them toward a house remodel instead. Or, maybe you will become inspired to use your finely-honed communication skills and become a guide at a local museum or other local attraction.

Or perhaps if business remains your passion, you will decide it’s time to start that bed and breakfast you’ve always dreamed of owning. Or helping young entrepreneurs get their ideas and businesses off the ground by volunteering at the local startup incubator in your area. If there is no such thing where you live, maybe you’ll be inspired to start one.

Or maybe you will branch out in a totally new direction, leaving behind comfortable yet stale activities with newer ones. For example, you may discover a passion for creative outlets you never had time to explore, like painting, writing, acting or learning to play a musical instrument. If you try one thing and it doesn't work, try another. This a time for experimentation with playful energy and a joyous heart.

Dare I say it may be time to retire old notions about retirement. It may be time to rewire how we think about this new and exciting time of life. Retirement is more a beginning than an end. The skills and talents you brought to work remain. They just require a new means of expression. Discovering what that is can bring you new sources of joy and satisfaction for the rest of your days.

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