Round One and Done: How to Ace the Screening Interview

When you read job hunting advice columns, they’ll often tell you that the easiest way to get a job is to jump over the recruiter and get straight to the hiring manager.

This is great advice, but in many companies, it’s almost impossible unless you already have a relationship with the hiring manager.

Hiring is the domain of the recruiters, and they will determine who gets to the managers.

Sure, the hiring manager gets to make the final decision, but she only sees the resumes of the people that the recruiter has approved.

This means you’re going to have to get through the screening interview before you get a chance to wow and impress the hiring manager with your great skill sets.

To keep reading, click here: Round One and Done: How to Ace the Screening Interview

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One thought on “Round One and Done: How to Ace the Screening Interview

  1. Now a days everyone have the opportunity learn from others. Every fresh job seeker can go through the info shared by their peers and their experience.

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