5 Ways To Look After Your Employee Development

by Rich DeMatteo on December 2, 2021

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Leading employers know how critical it is to prioritise employee professional growth. Why? Talented professionals want to work for a company that will help them grow professionally.

Managers should not underestimate the value of career advancement. If they do, they risk lowering morale and productivity by making talented employees feel unappreciated. Longer-term, the company may lose disenchanted employees to competitors.

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Photo by fauxels from Pexels


Consider implementing the following strategies to help employees grow professionally:

Invest In Employees’ Career Goals

If you manage a remote team, you know how important frequent communication is. That interaction should include regular one-on-one meetings with team members to understand their career goals and expectations. This kind of manager support can boost employee morale, productivity, and loyalty.


Help employees envision a career path within the organisation so they can better envision their future. Identify specific achievement goals and the resources employees will need to reach them. Communication from the boss about career advancement can help employees feel more engaged.  b school consultants is a great way to do this. 

Encourage Employee Development

Job training and ongoing education help employees advance. Encourage team members to enrol in business courses and workshops that will help them advance in their careers. Virtual learning is essential for many teams right now, and there are many affordable options. (Even if budgets are tight, remember that investing in employee career development can pay big dividends.)


Help your employees stay informed about industry trends, as well as their own personal needs. Using video to host lunch-and-learn sessions with external or internal guest speakers is a cost-effective and simple option. Allow your employees to attend industry events. Ask them to teach their coworkers what they learn at these events.

Reward Mentees And Job Shadow

Creating a formal mentoring programme may be one of the best decisions a company can make for its own and its employees’ personal and professional growth. Mentoring can also be used to onboard remote employees.


Mentoring is a two-way street. Senior employees can help less-experienced colleagues by sharing their hard-earned knowledge and professional advice, but they can also benefit from new ideas and technological advances.

Think About Work-life Balance

Hard work is required for career advancement, but it does not necessitate endless workdays. Encourage your employees to work efficiently and leave time for personal interests. This advice is especially important for remote team members who may struggle to balance work and life.


This epidemic has made many professionals reassess their priorities. Our company’s research found that 40% of workers expect to prioritise personal life overwork in the future. That means employers will have to help employees achieve a better work-life balance in the future.


Proactively managing your team’s health can also reduce stress and prevent burnout. You can boost employee morale by adopting flexible work-life policies. You’ll help your employees balance work, personal obligations, and professional development activities.

Develop A Succession Plan

Succession planning can show high-potential employees that you value their growth as professionals and see them as future business leaders. The message is strong. Don’t put off this vital step. Create a succession plan for each key position. It can inspire employees to learn new skills and knowledge.


Having the knowledge that their manager is behind them will help them achieve career goals. Even if your team is currently working remotely, you can still prioritise employee professional development and career advancement. Promoting employee career advancement can have significant and long-term benefits. It can also help you become more competitive.

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