HR Software: When is a good time to buy?

Human Resource Management Systems are powerful tools that help organizations manage employee records, select and recruit candidates, improve accuracy with time and attendance and take back control of scheduling. But even with these benefits, many organizations have yet to invest in an automated HR software.

HR managers wear many hats and so it can be difficult enough to keep all the tasks running without stopping to measure the effectiveness of the current processes in place. There are many reasons an organization might choose a certain time to implement an HR solution, but these eight items are most commonly the deciding factors that push organizations into a human resource management system.

Automating daily tasks & operations is on your wishlist. With the increasing number of responsibilities given to the HR department, there can become a time where it seems like there is just not enough hours in the day. One of the common causes to this feeling is attributed to the fact that there are too many manual processes within your organization. Automating processes such as recruiting, onboarding and training improve productivity and efficiency within your organization by freeing up hours in the day for the HR department.

Your company has recently gone through major growth. Growth is something that all CEO’s are focusing on but some HR professionals cringe at. While growth can mean increased profit and stock value to CEOs, your human resource department may relate this term to additional work and complexity. But growth is a key business principle and it should be viewed from one more standpoint – scale. A recruitment process for when you hire five people a year in a single office is different from a recruitment process that calls for 1000 new employees in 10 locations, which in turn is different from hiring 20,000 employees in 10 countries. When looking at growth, one must consider the complexity of management of HR processes at scale and identify any additional changes as well as uncertainties that can be attributed to future growth. You can’t easily scale on paper or in Excel. A good HR software should be able to help.

Performance management is a new initiative for your company. Performance management is a hot topic among organizations because of the rising need to ensure certain skill sets are present within employees and develop succession plans. Most management and executive heads are looking to their HR department to provide them with tools and resources to accurately track and review employee performance. Integrating a human resource system into your organization doesn’t simply provide departments the ability to deliver annual reviews, but rather aligns your workforce with organizational goals and the ability to track relevant milestones and KPIs throughout the year.

Scheduling has gotten out of control Overwhelming scheduling processes is a major sign it may be time to invest in an HR software. Industries such as hospitality, retail, medical, food, service and construction find automating scheduling tools the most beneficial because their organizations are built on multiple departments that have different scheduling needs. A property implemented enterprise scheduling software usually results in tremendous cost savings and reduced employee turnover.

You have had a change in upper management. If an organization is looking to introduce an HR system to their organization but is waiting for the right time, a change in upper management may be the green light they were waiting on. When new management comes into an organization they are looking for ideas and opportunities to improve the current state of the business. When presented and executed correctly, an HRMS can provide executives many of the benefits they are looking for such as cutting costs, optimizing productivity, faster decision making, and streamlining business processes.

You are looking to improve employee communications. Time is the most valuable commodity in the world and for most organizations, finding the time to communicate and share information effectively between departments is one of the top challenges. In addition to departments, many organizations struggle with finding a solution to maintaining strong communication and training throughout their entire workforce. One of the biggest factors that contribute to these challenges is the lack of updated technology and consistency of messaging platforms throughout the company. HRMS helps overcome these challenges by providing tools that: (1) allows all departments and employees access to one communication platform, (2) HR to set up centralized training and company resources and (3) create file sending and sharing options.

It is difficult to keep track of changing compliance requirements. Compliance & regulations are ever-evolving. Keeping up with each change and the complexities of each law, then putting them into effect within an organization can be daunting. For industries such as healthcare, hospitality, retail, financial and construction a manual process to compliance many times leads to costly ramifications for the company because of human errors. HR management systems can mitigate the risks involved with compliance by setting up automatic workflows and notifications for time sensitive issues, producing reports based on certifications and training needs and providing updated information about requirements.

Your organization needs more effective training solutions. A hot topic for executives within organizations is how to increase the return on employee investment. Creating an onboarding and training process allows employees to perform at their best and organizations to optimize their return from employees. A talent management system can provide a training management solution that allows you to effectively establish and administer internal training programs, track certification needs, manage logistics and report on all findings.

Workuments is a talent management software suite that partners with customers to build a unique HR solution based on their specific needs and wants.  Workuments is designed to easily integrate into organization’s current processes and adjust to any of our client’s requests. Work with one of our customer concierge that is handpicked to manage your account specifically. Experience a software that works for you, allowing you to get back to your mission.

About WorkumentsWorkuments is a highly distinctive portfolio of HR, talent management, and rapid application development software focused on technological excellence and innovation. The Workuments Performance and Competency Management is a key building block in the Workuments suite designed specifically to assist HR with aligning its people process with organizational strategy. For more information,  visit

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