Thankful 2017

by John on November 22, 2017

I’ve been in a funk for the past few weeks. Who am I kidding, it’s been a few months (but we’re friends, so who’s counting). I’ve been doing some reflecting and trying to ascertain just whats causing my angst and what I can do to fix it. I mean you can only fight the funk so much with a funky Spotify playlist, sooner or later you’ve gotta get out of your own way.

I realized that one of the things that helps me is to realize how lucky I am and that I cannot take anything for granted. Since it’s the thanksgiving time on the calendar, I figured I should genuinely and publicly say thank you. Here’s my list for 2017:

  • I’m grateful for my girls. They keep me grounded, keep me on my toes, and while they try their hardest to drive me crazy, they make it up with unconditional love.
  • I’m thankful for the people who take my phone calls when I’m genuinely needing counsel. I probably don’t call to shoot the breeze as much as I should and I’m working on that, but it’s not easy to appear vulnerable and I’m glad that you never hold that against me.
  • I’m thankful for the ability to work in a profession that I absolutely love. I worry about my colleagues, my students, and the future, but hey you already knew that I was a worrier. I am challenged It makes me a better colleague/co-worker.
  • I’m thankful for the people who come to me asking for counsel and advice. I still don’t think I’m an expert, but I am opinionated and passionate about stuff and when asked, I do share.
  • I’m thankful for the kind (and funny) responses when I do my series of “Random Texts from Johnny Nyk”. You are awesome and I always smile when people reciprocate. Makes it all worthwhile.
  • I’m thankful that I’m getting better, albeit, slowly.
  • On a cheesy superfluous note, I’m thankful that Spotify has The Beatles, and that I can share my love of music with my daughter. She’s also teaching me a few things about the new pop artists and it’s always fun to discuss music with her.
  • I’m grateful that we survived hurricane season this year. I’m also glad that it’s almost over (just eight more days…)
  • I’m humbled to participate in Leadership Miami. This is leadership learning on steroids and the formula is quite interesting. Put a bunch of Type A’s in a group and have them work on a project to better the community. It’s an awesome feeling to be humbled, it helps to purge the personal hubris.

Finally, there are too many people to mention, but I want you to know that I’m still reading all the blogs, following along with all the stories and article that you put out, and I root for each and every one of you. There are several peeps that I miss, and I don’t know when you’ll be back, but know that I’m in your corner, cheering for your success.

Thank you for indulging me. Now I need to go and have a discussion with my wife about how my soon to be seven-year-old already has an international lawyer on retainer (true story).

Makes me proud, but then again, I’m not surprised, I mean she is her father’s daughter.

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