How to Check Your Boundaries and Grow Your Career

Yesterday was my Swiss town’s annual “Banntag.” This is the day when everyone from the town goes out and checks that the neighboring town hasn’t moved any of the markers that indicate where the border is. Of course, in today’s world of exact coordinates, it’s all in fun, but it used to be serious business. Unfortunately, our town is on a hill, and so this means a march straight up the mountain. I said the next time we move, I’m moving to a small flat town so that Banntag is just fun without the sweat.

But the reality is, checking your boundaries often sweat inducing and difficult, but if you don’t do it, you find other people will take over your life and you’ll wonder how it happened. So, I say, today is check your personal borders day. Here are some of the boundaries you need to check and how doing so will help your career.

Boss: If you have a good boss, this one is easy. If you have a boss that wants to take over your life, this can be extremely difficult. But, as many people have found out, always saying yes doesn’t advance your career. Your boss learns that you’ll do whatever she wants, regardless of the impact on your life, which means that she loses respect for you. Set your boundaries and stand up for yourself. If your boss won’t stop calling you all weekend and you’re not seeing the results you want, it’s time to move on. Suffering under a bad boundary violating boss isn’t worth it–in the short or long run.

To keep reading, click here: How to Check Your Boundaries and Grow Your Career

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3 thoughts on “How to Check Your Boundaries and Grow Your Career

  1. TRUE STORY: I got this email from my then-manager: “I wanted to find out what your plan is for moving [a critical project] along during the next two weeks [while you are on jury duty!!]. While I know you will be consumed during the day, I wanted to see if there could be some progress after your civic duty. Timing is bad but we really need to keep moving this along as best possible. Let me know your thoughts on this.”

    My reply: “Per company policy [which I copied verbatim below] I’m on leave-of-absence during my jury duty. The case is extremely tedious and I would be unable to focus on the minutiae of the law and evidence if I’m tired from attempting to work two jobs daily.”

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