Best Online Tools For HR Management

Managing any workforce can be a challenge, whether it’s five, fifty, or five hundred people strong. You need some excellent tools on your side to keep track of everybody and their needs. Luckily, there’s plenty of tools online that can do just that.

Here’s nine of the best online tools for HR available that will help you keep track of everything you need.


This tool is a one stop shop for hiring in new talent. It features ‘visual pipelines’, that show you at a glance what stage every applicant is at. There’s also an applicant scoring system, making it easier to see who’s better at what, and tools to create eye-catching online job adverts.

Boom Essays

If you want to write job listing that attract the best talent around, you’ll need a copy writer. The writers at this service are highly trained and can help you create the best advert available. They’re very affordable too, making them a great option even for new businesses.

Any Perk

A happy workforce is one who’ll be much more productive and sell more for you. If you want to encourage happiness in your company, this tool could be just the thing. It creates a perk system for your employees all on one system, making it easier to track how well everyone is doing. When your employees earn rewards, they can choose them from hundreds of different brands. There’ll be something for everyone!

Assignment Writer

Part of your job is arranging training for your staff, so you’re going to need unique training materials for your business. You may not be able to make them yourself, but this company can. Give their writers your requirements, and they’ll create the materials for you. They can even do it in tight time frames if you need them to.


Keeping track of everyone who works at your company can feel like a mammoth task. This software makes it a whole lot easier. It puts everyone into a centralised database, and you can see at a glance their work hours, time off, benefits, and anything else you need to know. It’ll free up a lot of time you’d otherwise spend wrangling with spreadsheets and other cumbersome software.


This software helps you get your product training done quickly and efficiently. Staff can take part in training no matter where they are, thanks to the mobile interface. It also has lots of tools for you to track the progress every trainee is making.


This HR platform gives your staff a lot of the tools to get things done for themselves. Issues such as booking time off, email and training can all be done through this platform. This means you can get things done much more quickly, making both you and your staff happier in the process.

UK Writings

Whatever you write for work needs to be perfect. Any errors or spelling mistakes can make your communications look less than professional. If you want to make sure your writing is acceptable, send it to this writing service. They can proofread and edit it for you, so you know it’ll be ready to send out as soon as you get it back from them.

Benefit Focus

Offering good benefits can be a big part of why someone would choose to work with you. When this is the case, you need to keep track of them carefully. This tool helps you do that, delivering benefits on time for your staff.

Try these tools out and see the difference in your working day. You’ll find you’ll have much more time to get the important things done!

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About the author:

Mary Walton is a professional editor from Santa Monica, she blogs at Simple Grad. Follow her on Twitter!

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