For the last two years I’ve been a co-host on Drive thru HR – an HR industry podcast that’s been on the air since 2010 – before we even called it then podcasts! We continue to be a bit of an old school throwback too – we do the shows “live” (and yes; that means sometimes we have shitty questionable sound quality). We don’t use any fancy equipment; no mixing boards and editing software at #DTHR HQ. We don’t have any sponsors; we cover the costs out of pocket and keep the show going because we love the history of it and share a passion for maintaining one of the original hang-out-places for those in the HR eco-system. 

During the month of September we decided to celebrate a milestone as we worked our way to our 1,500th (fifteen hundredth!) show which will air tomorrow (10/1). To that end, my co-host Mike VanDervort and I enlisted the help of numerous friends and invited them to share #SnackableHR content – “bite-sized” nuggets of wisdom on topics related to work, leadership, DE&I, recruiting and all things HR.

These mini-episodes (5 to 10 minutes in length) are available for a listen/download here.

As we launch the next era of #DTHR, here’s a big old THANKS to those who shared their thoughts with our listeners: 

To find out when the follow us at @DrivethruHR, or check us out on Facebook

Listen on Blog Talk Radio, Apple PodcastsPodbeanI Heart RadioStitcher, or PlayerFM.

HR Conversations and HR Community: #InternationalPodcastDay

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