10 Fantastic Leadership and Management Podcasts To Inspire You

One habit every great leader has, is they regularly read or listen to management advice. Lifelong learning is a key element in success, and podcasts are a great way to do this. We’ve collated these great leadership and management podcasts that we believe are worth your time listening to.

It could be on your morning walk, or your daily commute. Listening to podcasts can happen in a variety of situations, and enable you to build knowledge and increase your leadership skills, whilst doing your daily routine.

There are literally thousands of leadership and management podcasts out there to choose from; we have picked what we feel are the ten best ones, for you to peruse.

Here are our 10 Fantastic Leadership and Management Podcasts.

What Great Bosses Know

Jill Geisler, the host of “What Great Bosses Know” podcast, is an expert in leadership and management. For several years, she developed and led the Poynter Institute’s leadership and management programs and still continues to teach and coach leaders worldwide.

In these podcasts, she shares practical leadership lessons for managers who want to be great bosses.

This was launched in February of 2016 and builds on Jill’s “What Great Bosses Know” series, with each episode focused on one question that challenges leaders and managers in today’s workplaces. Mostly it gives special focus on these three topics: leadership, communication, and trust.

Visit the What Great Bosses Know website.

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The $100 MBA

This show is hosted by Omar Zenhom, with more than 14 years of experience in business building, he attended Wharton for an aim to “revolutionize business education,” this podcast offers 10-minute business lessons. It boils down to a focused topic in business by industry leaders and avoids backstories and promotional pitches.

Topics of recent broadcasts have included product development, getting in on the conference circuit and book reviews.

The $100 MBA Show is a new kind of podcast where you simply get better at business with our real business lessons from real entrepreneurs in the real world–with a unique format, delivering straight to the point, actionable lessons.

Visit the $100 MBA website.


Management and Leadership Podcast

Photo: smorazanm

Engaging Leader

This podcast, the Engaging Leader, is an audio program where host Jesse Lahey and his guests share communication and leadership principles, and tell stories that illustrate putting those principles into practice.

Jesse is a speaker, author, and consultant with over 20 years of experience in leadership and workforce communications.

His experience also includes serving as a communication specialist with a global management consulting firm and as the HR communication leader at a Fortune 500 manufacturer with nearly 20,000 employees worldwide.

Visit the Engaging Leader website.

Beyond the To-Do List

Many jobs entail you to make some sort of a To-Do List, but what’s beyond it is more interesting. A lot of leadership and management podcasts discuss goal setting in some way. This podcast is all about learning how to choose the right projects, tasks, and goals in work and life. This show will help you do that with conversations with the people behind the productivity.

Erik Fisher, host of Beyond the To-Do List, talks with real people who practically implement their own productivity strategies in their professional and personal lives. It’s a refreshing and inspirational show that gives you a hint that most people actually fail yet eventually succeed at daily productivity. Be inspired and instructed on how to move forward yourself.

Visit the Beyond the To-Do List website.

The #AskGaryVee Show Podcast

Serial entrepreneur, Gary Vaynerchuk presents his views on building a business and entrepreneurship from experience. In the late 90’s, he grew his family’s wine business, WineLibrary, from a $3 million company to a $60 million enterprise in five years.

He is the CEO and co-founder of Vayner Media, a digital agency, as well as an angel investor and venture capitalist, who invested in world-known brands such as Tumblr, Uber, Facebook and Birchbox. 

Gary is one of the most sought after speakers to date. His podcast includes segments from his own speeches and interviews, as well as his views on current business practices.

Visit the #AskGaryVee Show website.

Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.

Henry Ford

The LEADx Show

Want to hear interviews from the hottest leadership experts five days a week and reach your full potential in just minutes? This is the show for you! Hosted by New York Times Best Selling Author and Inc. 500 Entrepreneur, Kevin Kruse.

Each episode ends with the guest challenging listeners to get 1 percent better by trying out one specific idea from the show. If you want a daily tip from the world’s best leadership coaches, you better add this to your playlist.

Whether you’re at the gym or in your car, there is an episode waiting for you at the LEADx Show, get world-class leadership development and professional training from industry experts anytime, anywhere.

Visit the LEADx Show website.

Entrepreneurs on Fire

Time to ignite your entrepreneurial journey! Host John Lee Dumas takes you in for a ride as they deliver inspiration and strategies you need to start your own exciting enterprise and create the life you’ve always dreamed of.

Get a glimpse of the interviews he had with incredible Entrepreneurs, including Tony Robbins, Seth Godin, Gary Vee, Barbara Corcoran, Tim Ferriss, and many more. Throughout each of these interviews guests share their biggest personal failures, their biggest ah-ha moment, and their best resources to help you on your own journey.

Visit the Entrepreneurs On Fire website.


Get inspired and Accelerate! This podcast primarily targets sales leaders, but it touches on fields that range from leadership to lead generation. Hosted by Andy Paul who is a sales sage and a best-selling author. 

Create a better marketing strategy to bring value to your customers and outsell the competition. This is a great entry to our favourite leadership and management podcasts, recent topics have included sales and marketing alignment, the neuroscience of decision making, and how to warm up cold calls.

With new podcast episodes six days a week, there’s a lot of compelling content.

Visit the Accelerate! website.


HR Leaders

HR Leaders is a daily Podcast where Chris Rainey chats with today’s most successful HR Practitioners. Get reliable and actionable advices from them while you’re on your break, driving to work or spending some time alone. Each episode details the journey of successful HR Practitioners who share their experience, insights, lessons learned and how they attract, retain, develop talent and transform their business.

This podcast series gives you a full view on how to attract, retain, develop talent and transform your business through insights by HR Leaders coming from top companies like IBM, Google, Twitter and the others. 

Visit the HR Leaders website.

Project Management for the Masses Podcast

It may seem strange to include project management in a list of leadership and management podcasts, however this podcast isn’t just about projects. The PM for the Masses Podcast focuses on helping the Project Manager or aspiring Project Manager take their life and career to new levels.

The host, Cesar Abeid have learned that the best way to improve your skills is to surround yourself with the right people. Peer pressure works! He interviews Project Managers and other professionals who are doing extraordinary work and as a result are seeing fantastic results that push both their personal and professional life forward.

Cesar takes one step at a time as if life is a big project of yours. He breaks it down into actionable items you can implement right away in your job or in your personal life. You already have the skills necessary for adding value and getting things done, you just have to take full control of it. The PM for the Masses Podcast will encourage you to use your knowledge set to take control of your career and your life through project management concepts. 

Visit the PM for the Masses website.

Never let formal education get in the way of your learning.

Mark Twain


We trust you enjoyed our list of leadership and management podcasts. A huge thank you to all the above hosts for the work they do to bring us this great information.

No matter what you listen to or read (don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter, below!), make lifelong learning a habit to continue to expand your knowledge, build further skills, and never let your brain end up with cobwebs.


Lauren Clarke

Lauren Clarke

Lauren writes for 6Q and a number of other blogs from her home office in Australia. She spends her time writing, reading and changing US to International English on many articles that she edits.