6 Interesting Human Resource Trends to Watch in the Year Ahead

It’s not a secret that those companies that follow global trends rule the world. Let’s take a look into global human resource trends in the year ahead, which many successful companies are following now.

Cooperation of different generations in one company

The theory of generations this year will be more relevant than ever. Representatives of the youngest generation Z are already looking for a job, the first one in their lives. This means that young and energetic people who want to gain experience and can work in multitasking mode are ready to come to your company.

HR professionals need:

  • revise the process of recruiting such candidates in favour of using digital technologies;
  • talk about the uniqueness of the vacancy and the company;
  • write a clear job-offer;
  • create a career plan and provide more training opportunities.

At the same time, Generation Y, also called millennials, will work in your company. According to a TriNet poll, 85% of millennials would like to get a performance review more often. This is why it is important not to stop introducing new ways of retaining talent, to celebrate and motivate them all the time.

Don’t forget that millennials value the result. It’s tied up with the correct preparation of OKRs and regular performance reviews.

As for Gen X, it is important for an HR-manager not to overlook the unique set of skills that these professionals have. According to one study, 41% of Gen X employees identify themselves as entrepreneurs. They do not just work for the company but are directly involved in a business development process.

A promotion made in time can be a solution that will increase the effectiveness of both the employee from Generation X and the entire team.

Flexible working hours of employees

The aforementioned millennials are young people between 23 and 38 years old, hence they are the driving force behind your company. Hardworking and ambitious millennials have been raised with technology since childhood.

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They do not accept frames and strict schedules and are the most productive in the schedule that they choose by themselves. By staying online 24/7, Gen Y employees can work safely away from the office and achieve the results they want.

As said by a study from Millennial Branding and Beyond.com, 45% of the population aged 20-35 prefer remote work and flexible working hours without being tied to an office. Thus, the strict working hours from 9:00am to 6:00pm are no longer relevant.

International businesses have been successfully implementing this practice for a long time. From 1996 to 2016, the number of companies offering a remote job tripled, according to SHRM research.

Moreover, prolonged quarantine has pushed many companies to switch to remote job regimes and the effectiveness of this type of work turned out to be that high, that companies like Microsoft and Google let their employees work from home even after the pandemic.

A free schedule helps to avoid professional burnout and maintain the necessary balance between work and personal life. The phrase “burned out” no longer sounds like a joke, but rather like a problem that needs to be solved. HR specialist faces with this in its professional activities twice: when one of the company’s employees burns out, and, of course, when he burns out.

Therefore, be understanding with employees’ vacation requests, and always make concessions on this matter. Remember, rest is an important part of the workflow that restores productivity and employee engagement. And yet, avoiding the obligatory office routine expands the boundaries of your company’s activities.

After all, a productive employee can do tasks anywhere, right?

Freelance workers

According to a study by Intuit, by 2020 freelancers will do 40% of companies’ work processes. This human resource trends proves that millennials still prefer results over process. On freelancing, their earnings do not depend on the employer, but on their productivity.

For an HR manager, this trend has only positive aspects:

  • outsourcing is financially beneficial for the company and can significantly cut expenses;
  • the company has the opportunity to work with talented employees from anywhere in the world without being tied to its location;
  • you do not need to spend additional funds on a freelancer in the form of office expenses, training courses, corporate events;
  • a freelance employee does not need to be supervised, since it is in his own interests to complete the task efficiently and on time;
  • the company does not waste time and effort on the selection and hunting of candidates, but can independently choose a suitable employee based on his portfolio.

Of course, not in all cases, freelancers can be a good choice for a company. Leading positions, teamwork, and rare specialists – these and other positions are almost impossible for freelancers to perform. Nevertheless, for project work, where you need a designer, copywriter, developer, etc – a freelance performer is a good solution.

The best choice, in this case, will be not to hire freelancers one by one, but to hire highly professional teams of specialists, the so-called outsourcing. Managed Services Providers – provide remote IT services. In this case, you not only get access to a set of skills but also work with a well-coordinated team with refined processes, which can guarantee your project will be successful.

6 Interesting Human Resource Trends to Watch in the Year Ahead

Image: Pexels

Focus on EVP

EVP (Employee Value Proposition – employee value proposition) is a certain benefit that an employee receives from a particular employer.

Nowadays, HR marketing and HR branding work to increase the attractiveness of the company in the eyes of candidates. They are the basis of high-quality EVP.

Given that Gen Z trusts bloggers’ opinions, and Gen Y is surfing online all the time, the company’s data and administrative processes are not of particular interest to young candidates. But social recruiting, storytelling, contextual advertising are the tools that in 2021 will bring even more specialists to your company.

Put your time into creating an appealing description of your brand and its benefits; and if you are bad at writing, a good assignment service will help you to create a “selling” description for the company.

The task of the HR manager for the next year is to prepare a unique offer for future employees, which will allow them to choose your company among others.

For, example it can be modern recreation areas. The modern office operates at a fast pace. The sheer amount of daily information that employee process can be stressful and stressful at times. That is why it is so important to take care not only of the productivity of your employees but also of the rest. These human resource trends allow your team to relieve stress and gain strength to meet new challenges.

You can also offer to candidate such benefits as flexible hours, or bonuses in the form of free services.

Digitalisation of recruiting

If some time ago the Skype interview was a kind of breakthrough in the field of recruiting, today this technology has gone even further. Now they significantly save recruiters time and companies money.

Recruiters from the French company Vente Privée are already conducting interviews without the physical presence of the recruiter. On a special platform, the candidate answers each question within 30 seconds, and the company representatives then process the results and invite the best.

Another useful recruiting tool these days is recruitment apps. They allow to do online interviews and even integrate with ATS. A fantastic example of human resource trends.

Automation of HR processes and chatbots

Just like 2020, 2021 will be the year of HR automation. Not all companies have moved from routine and paperwork to convenient HRM systems that organise processes. Thus, social distancing helped with that. Companies are rapidly introducing new solutions, including ones in the HR field.

Those innovations help companies remain market leaders and work with the best people. According to an IBM study, more than 66% of business leaders believe that HR automation improves the quality of HR professionals and their number will only grow.

Another positive aspect of automation is a faster and more comfortable work through Chatbots. One-click approval of vacations and sick leaves, sending 1: 1 meeting notifications, conducting surveys – something that will be a necessity in 2021.

In Summary

2021 is the year of technology in human resource trends. The HR industry will continue to focus on candidates and digitalise. Those who have not managed to automate their HR processes in 2020 will certainly do so soon.

And the time saved on routine tasks will be spent by HR specialists on retaining talent and drawing up a new HR strategy that will take into account all the features of new human resource trends.


About the Author

Angela D Johnson is a professional author in Essay Map that offers help with research paper to students. Having a heart of on explorer, she loves to travel, experience new horizons and expand her knowledge on different topics. She is also a skilled content writer who writes articles on topics like HR, business, education, self-growth and many others.

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