10 Best SOC 2 Compliance Software in 2024

By hrlineup | 17.03.2024

In today’s digital landscape, ensuring the security of sensitive data has become paramount for businesses across all industries. With the rise in cyber threats and regulations governing data protection, companies are increasingly turning to SOC 2 compliance as a standard framework for safeguarding their systems and data. SOC 2 compliance, developed by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), focuses on security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality, and privacy of customer data. To aid businesses in achieving and maintaining SOC 2 compliance, numerous software solutions have emerged. 

What is SOC 2 Compliance?

SOC 2 (System and Organization Controls 2) compliance is a framework designed to ensure that service providers securely manage data to protect the interests and privacy of their clients. 

In this article, we’ll explore the top 10 SOC 2 compliance software solutions for 2024, including their features, benefits, and why they stand out in the market.

1. Scytale:

Scytale, a leading SOC 2 compliance software, offers comprehensive solutions to assist businesses in meeting compliance requirements effectively. With its user-friendly interface and robust features, Scytale simplifies the complexities associated with SOC 2 compliance. 

Key features of Scytale include:

  • Automated Compliance Assessments: Scytale automates the process of assessing compliance with SOC 2 requirements, saving time and resources for businesses. Its advanced algorithms analyze security controls, identify gaps, and provide actionable insights for remediation.
  • Continuous Monitoring: Scytale provides continuous monitoring capabilities, allowing businesses to stay vigilant against potential security threats and vulnerabilities. Real-time alerts and notifications ensure prompt action to mitigate risks and maintain compliance.
  • Secure Document Management: With Scytale, businesses can securely manage documentation related to SOC 2 compliance. The platform offers centralized storage, version control, and access controls, streamlining the documentation process for audits and reviews.
  • Customizable Reporting: Scytale offers customizable reporting functionalities, enabling businesses to generate detailed reports tailored to their specific compliance needs. From executive summaries to technical assessments, Scytale provides insights that facilitate decision-making and demonstrate compliance to stakeholders.

Overall, Scytale’s intuitive interface, automated assessments, continuous monitoring, secure document management, and customizable reporting make it a top choice for businesses seeking SOC 2 compliance software in 2024.

2. SecureComply:

SecureComply emerges as a top SOC 2 compliance software solution, offering a comprehensive suite of tools to address the complexities of regulatory compliance. With its advanced features and customizable workflows, SecureComply helps businesses achieve and maintain SOC 2 compliance with confidence.

Key features of SecureComply include:

  • Control Mapping: SecureComply facilitates the mapping of SOC 2 controls to relevant regulatory frameworks and industry standards. By establishing clear correlations between requirements, businesses can streamline compliance efforts and ensure alignment with best practices.
  • Incident Management: SecureComply provides robust incident management capabilities to handle security breaches and data incidents effectively. From incident reporting to investigation and resolution, the platform helps businesses minimize the impact of incidents on SOC 2 compliance.
  • Training and Awareness: SecureComply offers training and awareness modules to educate employees about SOC 2 requirements and best practices. From interactive courses to knowledge assessments, the platform promotes a culture of security awareness across the organization.
  • Integration Capabilities: SecureComply integrates with third-party tools and systems to streamline compliance workflows and enhance interoperability. Whether it’s ticketing systems, SIEM platforms, or GRC solutions, SecureComply ensures seamless data exchange and collaboration.

With its control mapping, incident management, training and awareness, and integration capabilities, SecureComply provides a holistic approach to SOC 2 compliance, making it a preferred choice for businesses in 2024.

3. ComplianceHub:

ComplianceHub offers a comprehensive suite of tools designed to simplify SOC 2 compliance for businesses of all sizes. With its intuitive interface and customizable features, ComplianceHub empowers organizations to navigate the complexities of regulatory requirements with ease. 

Key features of ComplianceHub include:

  • Policy Templates: ComplianceHub provides predefined policy templates aligned with SOC 2 requirements, enabling businesses to establish a strong foundation for compliance. From access control policies to data encryption guidelines, the platform offers templates for various control categories.
  • Evidence Collection: ComplianceHub streamlines the process of collecting evidence to demonstrate compliance with SOC 2 requirements. By providing centralized storage, automated workflows, and version control capabilities, the platform simplifies evidence management for audits and reviews.
  • Role-Based Access Control: ComplianceHub offers role-based access control to enforce security policies and restrict unauthorized access to sensitive data. Granular permissions, segregation of duties, and audit trails ensure accountability and compliance with SOC 2 principles.
  • Compliance Reporting: ComplianceHub generates comprehensive reports that document compliance efforts and demonstrate adherence to SOC 2 requirements. From compliance status summaries to audit findings reports, the platform offers customizable reporting options tailored to stakeholders’ needs.

With its policy templates, evidence collection, role-based access control, and compliance reporting functionalities, ComplianceHub facilitates SOC 2 compliance efforts and helps businesses maintain a robust security posture in 2024.

4. Drata:

Drata is a comprehensive platform designed to streamline and automate the complex processes associated with achieving and maintaining compliance certifications, particularly in the realm of cloud security. It offers a suite of tools and functionalities aimed at simplifying compliance management for modern businesses operating in cloud environments.

Key features of Drata include:

  • Continuous Compliance Monitoring: Drata continuously monitors an organization’s infrastructure, systems, and processes to ensure ongoing compliance with various regulatory frameworks and security standards.
  • Automated Assessment Workflows: The platform streamlines the assessment process by automating tasks such as data collection, evidence gathering, and risk analysis, reducing the time and effort required for compliance audits.
  • Risk Identification and Remediation: Drata helps identify potential security risks and compliance gaps within an organization’s environment, enabling proactive remediation to mitigate these risks before they escalate.
  • Documentation and Reporting: Drata assists in generating comprehensive compliance reports and documentation, simplifying the auditing process and providing evidence of compliance to auditors and regulators.

Drata empowers organizations to achieve and maintain compliance certifications such as SOC 2, ISO 27001, and HIPAA in a more efficient and cost-effective manner.

5. JupiterOne:

JupiterOne is a comprehensive cloud-native security platform designed to empower organizations in managing and securing their digital assets effectively. Through its innovative approach, JupiterOne provides a centralized platform that enables businesses to gain deep visibility into their entire digital infrastructure, including cloud environments, applications, databases, and more.

Key features of JupiterOne include:

  • Continuous Monitoring: JupiterOne offers continuous monitoring capabilities, allowing organizations to track changes and detect potential security threats in real-time. This proactive approach helps in identifying vulnerabilities and addressing security issues before they escalate.
  • Automated Asset Discovery: The platform automates the process of discovering and categorizing digital assets across various environments, making it easier for organizations to understand their attack surface and prioritize security efforts.
  • Relationship Mapping: JupiterOne creates detailed relationship maps of assets and their connections within the infrastructure. This visual representation aids in understanding the dependencies between different components, enhancing overall security posture and incident response.
  • Compliance Management: JupiterOne assists organizations in achieving and maintaining compliance with industry regulations and standards such as GDPR, HIPAA, SOC 2, and more. It provides predefined compliance frameworks, assessments, and reporting capabilities to streamline compliance efforts.

 By leveraging its comprehensive capabilities, businesses can effectively protect their critical assets and data from evolving cyber threats.

6. Vanta:

Vanta is a comprehensive platform designed to streamline and automate security and compliance processes for modern businesses. Tailored for startups and small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), Vanta offers a suite of tools and services to help companies effectively manage their security and compliance needs without the need for extensive in-house expertise.

Key features of Vanta include:

  • Automated Compliance Assessments: Vanta automates the assessment process for various compliance frameworks, allowing businesses to quickly identify gaps in their security posture and take corrective actions.
  • Security Monitoring and Alerts: The platform continuously monitors key security metrics and alerts users to any potential issues or vulnerabilities in real-time, enabling proactive remediation and threat response.
  • Task Management and Workflow Automation: Vanta helps teams stay organized and on track with task management tools and workflow automation capabilities. This ensures that compliance-related tasks are assigned, tracked, and completed efficiently.
  • Documentation and Evidence Collection: Vanta simplifies the documentation and evidence collection process required for compliance audits. It provides centralized storage for relevant documents and evidence, making it easy to demonstrate compliance to auditors and regulators.

At its core, Vanta provides automated solutions for various aspects of security and compliance, including SOC 2 compliance, GDPR compliance, HIPAA compliance, ISO 27001 certification, and more. By leveraging Vanta’s platform, businesses can simplify the often complex and time-consuming processes associated with achieving and maintaining these standards.

7. Secureframe:

Secureframe is a comprehensive platform designed to simplify and streamline the process of achieving and maintaining compliance with various security standards, such as SOC 2, ISO 27001, GDPR, HIPAA, and more. Targeted primarily at startups and small to medium-sized businesses, Secureframe offers a robust suite of tools and services to help companies navigate the complexities of compliance without the need for extensive expertise or resources.

Key features of Secureframe include:

  • Compliance Automation: Secureframe’s platform automates many aspects of the compliance process, reducing the manual effort required to achieve and maintain compliance with various security standards.
  • Risk Assessment: Secureframe helps companies identify and assess potential security risks, allowing them to prioritize their efforts and allocate resources effectively to mitigate these risks.
  • Policy Management: The platform assists organizations in creating and managing security policies that align with relevant compliance frameworks, ensuring that all necessary controls are in place.
  • Evidence Collection: Secureframe simplifies the process of collecting evidence to demonstrate compliance, providing a centralized repository for storing documentation and evidence related to security practices.

By automating many aspects of the compliance process, Secureframe allows organizations to focus on their core business objectives while ensuring the security and privacy of their data.

8. Apptega:

Apptega is a comprehensive cybersecurity management platform designed to streamline and simplify the process of managing cybersecurity programs for organizations of all sizes. The platform offers a range of features to help businesses assess, build, manage, and report on their cybersecurity posture effectively.

Key features of Apptega include:

  • Cybersecurity Frameworks Mapping: Apptega allows users to map their cybersecurity programs to various industry-standard frameworks such as NIST Cybersecurity Framework, ISO 27001, GDPR, HIPAA, and more. This feature helps organizations ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and industry best practices.
  • Customizable Frameworks: In addition to predefined frameworks, Apptega offers the flexibility to create custom frameworks tailored to the specific needs and requirements of individual organizations. This enables businesses to align their cybersecurity efforts with their unique risk profiles and objectives.
  • Risk Assessment and Management: The platform provides tools for conducting risk assessments, identifying vulnerabilities, and prioritizing remediation efforts. Users can track risks, assign ownership, and monitor progress towards mitigating them, helping organizations proactively manage their cybersecurity risks.
  • Task Management and Collaboration: Apptega facilitates collaboration among team members by enabling task assignment, tracking, and reporting. Users can allocate responsibilities, set deadlines, and monitor progress to ensure timely completion of cybersecurity initiatives.

9. Sprinto:

Sprinto is a leading continuous security and compliance platform that empowers organizations to proactively manage and enhance their security posture in a dynamic digital landscape. With a comprehensive suite of tools and features, Sprinto enables businesses to stay ahead of emerging threats, maintain regulatory compliance, and protect sensitive data with confidence.

Key features of Sprinto include:

  • Real-time Threat Monitoring: Sprinto provides real-time monitoring of network traffic, system logs, and application behavior to detect and respond to potential security incidents promptly. Through advanced analytics and machine learning algorithms, Sprinto identifies anomalous activities and indicators of compromise, allowing organizations to take proactive measures to mitigate risks.
  • Vulnerability Management: Sprinto offers robust vulnerability scanning and assessment capabilities to identify weaknesses in IT infrastructure, applications, and endpoints. By prioritizing vulnerabilities based on severity and potential impact, Sprinto helps organizations focus their resources on addressing critical security gaps efficiently.
  • Compliance Management: Sprinto simplifies compliance management by offering pre-configured templates and workflows for various regulatory frameworks, including GDPR, HIPAA, PCI DSS, and more. Organizations can automate compliance assessments, generate audit reports, and demonstrate adherence to industry standards with ease.
  • Continuous Compliance Monitoring: Sprinto enables continuous compliance monitoring by conducting regular scans and audits to ensure that security controls remain effective over time. Through automated alerts and notifications, Sprinto notifies organizations of any deviations from compliance standards, allowing for timely remediation actions.

By combining advanced threat detection capabilities with automated compliance management workflows, Sprinto helps organizations build resilience against cyber threats and safeguard their digital assets effectively.

10. Hyperproof:

Hyperproof is a cutting-edge compliance software designed to streamline and simplify the often complex and time-consuming process of compliance management. With its user-friendly interface and powerful features, Hyperproof empowers organizations to efficiently manage, automate, and demonstrate compliance with various regulatory standards, industry frameworks, and internal policies.

Key features of Hyperproof include:

  • Centralized Compliance Management: Hyperproof provides a centralized platform where organizations can manage all aspects of their compliance initiatives. Users can document requirements, controls, assessments, evidence, and remediation efforts in one place, making it easy to track progress and maintain compliance records.
  • Automated Workflows: The platform offers customizable workflows to automate repetitive compliance tasks, such as scheduling assessments, sending reminders, and generating reports. This automation helps organizations save time and reduce the risk of human error.
  • Collaboration Tools: Hyperproof facilitates collaboration among team members, allowing them to work together on compliance projects regardless of their location. Users can assign tasks, share documents, and communicate within the platform, fostering efficient teamwork and knowledge sharing.
  • Risk Management: The software includes features for identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks related to compliance. Organizations can prioritize risks based on severity and likelihood, implement controls to reduce risk exposure, and monitor risk trends over time.

By providing a comprehensive solution for compliance management, Hyperproof helps organizations achieve and maintain compliance with confidence.


In conclusion, SOC 2 compliance software plays a crucial role in helping businesses achieve and maintain compliance with the SOC 2 framework. The top 10 SOC 2 compliance software solutions for 2024 offer a range of features and functionalities to streamline compliance efforts, enhance security controls, and demonstrate regulatory adherence. By leveraging these software solutions, businesses can effectively manage risks, protect sensitive data, and build trust with customers and stakeholders in today’s increasingly digital world.