Master Your Time and Labor Costs

As a small business owner, you know that every day brings new challenges. From overseeing operations to managing employees, responsibilities pull you in every direction. Effective time management can feel like an uphill battle, but failing to improve it can waste valuable resources and money.

Are you struggling to get your labor costs under control? Discover the common causes behind time management issues and high labor costs, and learn how one Homebase customer uses our solution to manage these expenses effectively.

Time management struggles that derail productivity and cost you money.

Underestimating timelines and failing to delegate can quickly lead to disaster, leaving you fighting fires instead of planning proactively. The consequences? Decreased productivity, missed opportunities, and operational chaos.

Inefficient use of time directly translates into higher costs. Evaluate your current experiences and practices to identify potential problems.

  • Are you consistently behind schedule?
  • Do you find yourself short-staffed?
  • Are you failing to meet your goals?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, it’s a sign that you need a different approach to time management. Homebase is designed to simplify employee scheduling and help you take back your time. With automated scheduling, shift reminders, and real-time communication, you can eliminate guesswork and reduce manual effort.

Charles Farrier, the owner of Crumble & Whisk Patisserie, of Oakland, California, was drowning in a sea of schedules, time cards, and endless paperwork leaving  little time to focus on crafting the best cheesecake in town. He now uses our everything app for hourly work to make work radically easier and superpower his team. “Homebase has been a game changer. You can do your scheduling and payroll all at one time,” says Charles.

Why it’s worth getting labor costs under control.

Uncontrolled labor expenses create big problems. These costs can quickly spiral if left unchecked. Managing time effectively creates financial stability and makes it easier to use the resources you do have effectively.

However, staying on top of these expenses is easier said than done. Traditional methods of tracking hours and overtime are prone to errors.  By consolidating essential tasks into one user-friendly platform, Homebase frees up your most valuable resources: time and mental bandwidth.

Since embracing Homebase, Crumble & Whisk has seen labor costs melt away, thanks to the app’s real-time insights and alerts. “I was able to cut down a lot of my labor costs. We were able to go in there and see what I was spending on labor costs and what I could physically save,” says Charles. “It allows you to see it in real time and allows you to understand what’s really going on.”   

Seamlessly integrate Homebase into your operations.

Integrating a new platform requires strategic implementation. Here are some tips to help you add Homebase to your day-to-day workflow. 

Leverage Homebase resources – Homebase offers a variety of resources to help you get started, including video tutorials, guides, and dedicated support. Begin by familiarizing yourself with  key features and gradually introduce them to your team to avoid overwhelming them. Regularly gather feedback to identify areas for improvement and find new ways to help your team succeed.

Prioritize communication A well-connected team works better. Make the most of Homebase by turning it into a single source of truth for your employees, ensuring they always have access to the most important information.

“I’m allowed to go in there and post notes, send things to the team without me having to be here, and give updates on work performance, scheduling, and daily tasks, while also allowing them to see everything they need at their fingertips,” Charles explains.

Explore all capabilities – Explore automated scheduling tools, real-time labor cost tracking, communication tools, and integrations with payroll. Ensure your team knows that getting up and running with Homebasel will improve many aspects of their work.

The business impact of mastering time and labor cost management.

Now you know about the problems and the solution, but what business impact comes from getting time and labor under control? Take a look at these benefits:

1. Improved accuracy 

Paper time cards and schedules are prone to errors. When you prioritize paying attention to time worked and labor costs, you’ll increase the accuracy of employee timesheets.

2. Lower costs

According to a Homebase customer survey, 1 in 8 small business owners have cut costs to save. Many have opted to limit inventory, services, or hours of operation to account for inflation and other rising costs but these types of cuts can impact revenue. Preventing time theft and overpayment can also significantly cut costs. As your team grows, having a solution for managing and monitoring time and labor costs can protect your bottom line.

3. Fewer scheduling issues

Open communication between managers and employees is crucial for effective labor and time management. Implementing technology can help you gain better control and support consistency, even when demands change.

4. Improved compliance

A time management system ensures adherence to labor laws and regulations, minimizing the risk of penalties. Homebase helps you track breaks to stay compliant, alerting you about potential violations that could result in hefty fines. While this may not be the first factor that comes to mind when you think about labor costs, it is an important one. Taking steps to improve your compliance with the laws can protect your bottom line months or years down the road.

5. Better work-life balance and morale

While the 2024 Global Talent Trends report by Mercer reveals that more than 80% of employees nationwide are at risk of burnout this year, small businesses are defying the odds. According to the 2024 Homebase Small Business Team Fulfillment Index, a remarkable 65% of owners and (70%) of hourly workers in local businesses reported being satisfied with the harmony they’ve achieved between their personal and professional lives. 

Employees who have clear boundaries in place for time spent on the clock (and how to document it) are less likely to overextend themselves.

Take control of your time and costs with Homebase

At Homebase, we understand your unique challenges as a small business. That’s why we designed our app as a powerful sidekick to help you achieve your goals. Whether that’s improving efficiency, increasing profitability, or simply gaining control over time and resources, we’ve got you covered.

Homebase keeps your team accountable. Get started today!


How can you effectively manage time and labor costs as a small business owner?

Start by analyzing your current processes and identifying areas for improvement. Look for ways to streamline tasks and delegate responsibilities. Be sure to set realistic timelines too. Implementtime-tracking tools and establishing clear policies.

What are some signs that time management practices need to improve?

Consistently running behind schedule or being short-staffed are indicators that your time management approach needs to be adjusted. Pay close attention to decreased productivity and wasted resources.

Why is it so important to get labor costs under control?

Uncontrolled labor costs can quickly spiral out of control, jeopardizing your business. Inaccurate time tracking, overstaffing, and time theft can all contribute. With tools like Homebase, you can take control of your labor costs and protect your bottom line.

What strategies can help prevent scheduling issues and improve team communication?

Encourage transparency between managers and employees about scheduling needs. Implement a centralized system for sharing schedules, updates, and important information. Setting clear expectations can minimize conflicts. It also ensures everyone is on the same page.

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