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Podcasts on team building are gold mines of expert advice and real-world lessons.

I've soaked up countless episodes and put those strategies into practice, constantly refining my approach to building stronger teams.

If you aim to boost your team's performance and cohesion, you've found the right resource.

11 Best Team Building Podcasts

Dive into these top 11 team building podcasts for expert insights:

  1. Team Building Saves the World by Rich Rininsland
  2. Team Anywhere Leadership Podcast by Mitch Simon and Ginny Bianco-Mathis
  3. Build a Winning Team by Tim Schurrer
  4. Stacking Your Team | Growing Teams & Team Building For Female Entrepreneurs by Shelli L. Warren
  5. Team Building Podcast by Jeff Cohn
  6. Ask Michelle & Chris About Team Building by Michelle Cummings and Chris Cavert
  7. Building Great Sales Teams by Doug Mitchell
  8. Team Builders Podcast by Stephen Hazley, Gerry Crowley and Jonathan Hazley
  9. Amazing Teams Podcast by Doug Dosberg and Una Japundza
  10. Building a Culture of Collaboration by Jigsaw Learning
  11. The KAI Podcast: building better teams and great leaders by The KAI Centre

Best Team Building Podcasts Overview

1. Team Building Saves the World by Rich Rininsland

Team Building Saves the World - team building podcast


Team Building Saves the World by host Rich Rininsland explores the impactful world of team building, offering insights and stories on how effective teamwork can address and solve challenges in various contexts.

What You'll Learn:

Gain insights into innovative team-building exercises, hear success stories from industry leaders, and learn strategies to enhance team dynamics and problem-solving skills.

Why You Should Listen:

If you want to transform your team's effectiveness and foster a company culture of collaboration, this podcast provides real-world examples and expert advice to make it happen.

Best Episode:

Putting It Into Practice - This episode covers practical strategies for embedding a culture of collaboration within teams, highlighting case studies from successful organizations and offering step-by-step guidance for leaders looking to foster a more cooperative and inclusive environment.

Links To Listen:

About The Host:

Rich Rininsland brings years of experience in team-building programs and facilitation to the podcast. Known for his engaging storytelling and deep understanding of team dynamics, Rich offers listeners a unique blend of entertainment and valuable lessons.

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2. Team Anywhere Leadership Podcast by Mitch Simon and Ginny Bianco-Mathis

Team Anywhere Leadership Podcast - team building podcast


Team Anywhere Leadership Podcast by Mitch Simon and Ginny Bianco-Mathis dives into the strategies and challenges of leading distributed teams in today's remote work environment.

What You'll Learn:

Discover leadership techniques for remote teams, insights on maintaining culture and connection from afar, and tips on leveraging technology for effective collaboration.

Why You Should Listen:

For leaders navigating the complexities of remote work, this podcast offers practical advice and innovative solutions to keep your team engaged, productive, and connected, no matter where they are.

Best Episode:

How to Lead with Humanity and Create Workplace Harmony - This episode explores the principles of leading with empathy and respect, offering insights on how to cultivate a workplace culture that values harmony and human connection, with actionable tips for leaders to inspire trust and collaboration among their teams.

Links To Listen:

About The Hosts:

Mitch Simon and Ginny Bianco-Mathis are seasoned leaders and consultants with a wealth of experience in leadership development and organizational change. Their combined expertise offers a rich perspective on building and leading high-performing remote teams. Find Mitch Simon on LinkedIn.

3. Build a Winning Team by Tim Schurrer

Build a Winning Team - team building podcast


Build a Winning Team by Tim Schurrer focuses on the secrets behind assembling and nurturing high-performing teams that achieve remarkable success.

What You'll Learn:

Learn from the experiences of successful leaders, uncover the core elements of winning teams, and discover how to create a culture that promotes personal growth and achievement.

Why You Should Listen:

Tim Schurrer brings together thought leaders and success stories to offer listeners a blueprint for building teams that not only win but thrive together.

Best Episode:

Sarah Sloyan, Former SVP of EntreLeadership on Celebrating Wins - In this episode, Sarah Sloyan, shares her insights on the importance of recognizing and celebrating team achievements, discussing the impact this can have on motivation, morale, and the overall success of an organization.

Links To Listen:

About The Host:

Tim Schurrer has a rich background in team leadership and development, having worked with some of the most successful organizations and leaders. His insights into what makes teams tick and how to cultivate a winning culture are invaluable to any leader. Find Tim Schurrer on LinkedIn.

Listener Review:

“I love this show!! So helpful and insightful.” - BaileyCate

4. Stacking Your Team | Growing Teams & Team Building For Female Entrepreneurs by Shelli L. Warren

Stacking Your Team | Growing Teams & Team Building For Female Entrepreneurs - team building podcast


Stacking Your Team | Growing Teams & Team Building For Female Entrepreneurs by Shelli L. Warren zeroes in on the unique challenges and opportunities female entrepreneurs face in building and nurturing their teams.

What You'll Learn:

Discover strategies for recruitment, retention, and leadership that cater specifically to the needs of women-led businesses, fostering an environment of growth and support.

Why You Should Listen:

Warren brings a fresh perspective on team building, combining her expertise with the specific nuances of female entrepreneurship to provide actionable insights for women looking to elevate their teams.

Best Episode:

Real Stories of Abrupt Change Leading to Small Business Success - This episode features compelling narratives from small business owners who navigated sudden shifts in their industries, revealing how embracing change and adapting quickly led to unexpected success and growth in their ventures.

Links To Listen:

About The Host:

Shelli L. Warren is a seasoned coach and mentor, specializing in helping female entrepreneurs scale their businesses through effective team building. Her insights are backed by years of experience in leadership and team development. Find Shelli L. Warren on LinkedIn.

Listener Review:

“Shelli has been such an asset to my practice as it grows. I was/am and avid listen then join leadership lab and it has the best thing for myself and practice.” -

5. Team Building Podcast by Jeff Cohn

Team Building Podcast - team building podcast


Team Building Podcast by Jeff Cohn dives deep into the strategies and systems that successful teams employ to achieve exponential growth and operational efficiency.

What You'll Learn:

Learn from the experiences of top-performing teams across various industries, understanding the systems, culture, and leadership principles that drive success.

Why You Should Listen:

Cohn shares his wealth of experience in building high-performance teams, offering listeners a mix of tactical advice and strategic thinking for team growth.

Best Episode:

The Big Picture: Achieving Success and Growth in 2024 - This episode offers a forward-looking analysis, providing listeners with strategic insights, emerging trends, and practical advice to navigate the challenges and opportunities of the upcoming year in various industries.

Links To Listen:

About The Host:

Jeff Cohn is a renowned leader in team building and business growth, with a proven track record of leading his teams to success. His approach to team building is both innovative and practical, making his insights invaluable.

6. Ask Michelle & Chris About Team Building by Michelle Cummings and Chris Cavert

Ask Michelle & Chris About Team Building - team building podcast


Ask Michelle & Chris About Team Building by Michelle Cummings and Chris Cavert provides an engaging platform for listeners to get answers to their most pressing team-building questions.

What You'll Learn:

This podcast offers an opportunity to hear directly from the experts on a wide range of team-building topics, from activities and exercises to strategies for enhancing team dynamics.

Why You Should Listen:

With Michelle Cummings and Chris Cavert at the helm, listeners are treated to a wealth of knowledge and experience, delivered in a conversational and accessible format.

Best Episode:

Three Things We Learned From 2023- In this episode, the hosts reflect on the previous year, covering pivotal moments, trends, strategies that shaped industries, and how these valuable insights can inform better decision-making and innovation in the future.

Links To Listen:

About The Hosts:

Michelle Cummings and Chris Cavert are seasoned professionals in team building, known for their innovative approaches and deep understanding of group dynamics. Their collaborative style and expertise make this podcast a must-listen for anyone interested in team development.

Listener Review:

“I am so excited that these 2 amazing facilitators have created a go to Podcast full of important and timely, information in our ever-changing world of experiential learning!! Well done!” - Jo Ellen K

7. Building Great Sales Teams by Doug Mitchell

Building Great Sales Teams - team building podcast


Building Great Sales Teams by Doug Mitchell focuses on the intricacies of assembling, managing, and motivating sales teams to achieve unprecedented success.

What You'll Learn:

Uncover strategies for recruiting top talent, fostering a high-performance sales culture, and driving results through effective leadership and team dynamics.

Why You Should Listen:

Doug Mitchell brings his extensive experience in sales leadership to the table, offering actionable insights and proven tactics for building a sales team that not only meets but exceeds its targets.

Best Episode:

Mastering Sales Success with Mike Barron- In this insightful episode, renowned sales strategist Mike Barron dives deep into the art and science of sales, offering a comprehensive guide to mastering sales success.

Links To Listen:

About The Host:

Doug Mitchell is a seasoned sales leader and strategist known for his expertise in building and scaling high-impact sales teams. His approach combines practical sales tactics with strategic planning, making his guidance invaluable for sales managers and executives. Find Doug Mitchell on LinkedIn.

Listener Review:

“Doug has great insights on sales that you can take into your everyday life! I have used his knowledge in my day to day! Thanks Doug!” - C Man 35

8. Team Builders Podcast by Stephen Hazley, Gerry Crowley and Jonathan Hazley

Team Builders Podcast - team building podcast


Team Builders Podcast by Stephen Hazley, Gerry Crowley, and Jonathan Hazley offers a deep dive into team building, leadership, and creating cohesive, high-performing teams across various sectors.

What You'll Learn:

Gain insights into effective team-building strategies, leadership lessons, and the power of cohesive teamwork from a trio of experts with diverse experiences.

Why You Should Listen:

The Hazleys and Gerry Crowley bring a unique blend of perspectives to the table, making this podcast a rich source of innovative ideas and practical solutions for anyone looking to enhance their team's performance.

Best Episode:

Looking Ahead to 2024 - The discussion covers emerging technologies, shifts in consumer behavior, and strategies for businesses and individuals to stay ahead in a rapidly evolving landscape, providing a roadmap for success in 2024.

Links To Listen:

About The Hosts:

Stephen Hazley, Gerry Crowley, and Jonathan Hazley are experts in team building activities and leadership, each bringing their unique skills and experiences to the podcast. Their combined knowledge covers a wide range of industries and team dynamics.

Listener Review:

“The team challenge company are excellent. So passionate about they do. Great podcast this as you navigate how to get the best out of your team.” - Rainz4th

9. Amazing Teams Podcast by Doug Dosberg and Una Japundza

Amazing Teams Podcast - team building podcast


Amazing Teams Podcast by Doug Dosberg and Una Japundza explores the secrets behind the world's most successful teams, from small startups to global corporations.

What You'll Learn:

Discover what makes teams excel, including communication strategies, leadership styles, and the role of culture in driving team success.

Why You Should Listen:

Doug Dosberg and Una Japundza share their insights and experiences, along with interviews with team leaders from various industries, providing a comprehensive look at what makes teams truly amazing.

Best Episode:

Building Player-Led Teams w/ Diana Futrovsky - Diana provides practical tips on how to cultivate a player-led environment, sharing stories from her experience and outlining steps for leaders to empower their teams, foster accountability, and drive collective success.

Links To Listen:

About The Hosts:

Doug Dosberg and Una Japundza are passionate about team dynamics and performance. Their expertise in coaching and team development, combined with real-world experiences, makes this podcast a go-to resource for anyone interested in building and leading high-achieving teams.

10. Building a Culture of Collaboration by Jigsaw Learning

Building a Culture of Collaboration - team building podcast


Building a Culture of Collaboration by Jigsaw Learning dives into the essential elements of creating and nurturing a collaborative environment in educational settings and beyond.

What You'll Learn:

Explore strategies for enhancing collaboration among staff, the impact of leadership on collaborative culture, and practical steps for embedding collaborative practices in your organization.

Why You Should Listen:

Jigsaw Learning brings a wealth of experience in educational leadership and team dynamics, offering listeners a blend of theory and actionable strategies to foster a more collaborative team culture.

Best Episode:

How to Bring in Every Voice in Your Team Meetings - The discussion includes expert advice on facilitating effective communication, encouraging quieter team members to share their insights, and using structured feedback mechanisms to make meetings more democratic and productive.

Links To Listen:

About The Host:

Jigsaw Learning is a team of educators and consultants dedicated to supporting schools and organizations in achieving collaborative success. Their approach is grounded in practical experience and a deep understanding of effective team-building principles.

11. The KAI Podcast: building better teams and great leaders by The KAI Centre

The KAI Podcast: building better teams and great leaders - team building podcast


The KAI Podcast: building better teams and great leaders by The KAI Centre focuses on the Kirton Adaption-Innovation theory and its application in developing high-performing teams and effective leadership.

What You'll Learn:

Gain insights into the KAI theory, its implications for team diversity and innovation, and how to leverage cognitive diversity to build stronger, more adaptable teams.

Why You Should Listen:

The KAI Centre offers a unique perspective on team building and leadership, grounded in psychological research and practical application, making it a valuable resource for leaders looking to enhance their team's dynamics and creativity.

Best Episode:

Mental Health and Wellbeing - How KAI can help - Experts discuss practical KAI applications for creating more supportive, understanding environments that cater to diverse mental health needs, fostering a culture of well-being that acknowledges individual differences in problem-solving and creativity as assets rather than challenges.

Links To Listen:

About The Host:

The KAI Centre specializes in applying the Kirton Adaption-Innovation theory to real-world organizational challenges, helping leaders and teams to understand and embrace cognitive diversity for improved performance and innovation.

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David Rice
By David Rice

David Rice is a long time journalist and editor who specializes in covering human resources and leadership topics. His career has seen him focus on a variety of industries for both print and digital publications in the United States and UK.