Lois Melbourne on the “Paul”Cast – What I wish I had been told…

Lois MelbourneToday’s “Paul”Cast is all about taking the bull by the horns and reaching out to your  network and owning that task. And we’re lucky enough to have Lois Melbourne to thank for that advice.

I’ve known Lois for a few years. I think we met over a podcast – HRHappyHour. She was running a company called Aquire (formerly known as TimeVision.) Lois and her husband worked for almost 20 years building that company and then sold Aquire to PeopleFluent. (#Protip – always listen to advice from people who build and sell companies!)

Lois is now writing books and working to impact the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines and helping children get exposure to, and experience with, career options in those areas. Her new effort is called My Future Story and can be viewed at http://myfuturestory.com/ – check it out.

The key takeaways from the discussion:

  1. There are two sides to any networked relationship – own one of them
  2. New term – return on connections – yeah – that is a thing.

Take a listen and learn from a super smart – and super nice woman who has built a company and sold a company and is now giving back by influencing our youth to be part of the “creating” class through skills and education that are the building blocks of our new economy.

Email subscribers may need to click through here to listen to the podcast on soundcloud.

Hope you enjoy – and if you want to be on the “Paul”Castclick here!


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