Why Having an Employee Engagement Survey Helps Your Team

A recent study revealed that a staggering 85% of employees are not engaged at work. That means they’re not putting forth their best effort, and they’re not enthusiastic about their job. Here’s why having an employee engagement survey may help your morale.

If you’re one of the business owners or managers who struggles with low employee engagement, you know how frustrating it can be. Thankfully, there’s a solution: conducting an employee engagement survey.

An employee engagement survey is a great way to get feedback from your team and find out what’s working and what’s not. The results can help you identify areas where you need to make changes.

Employee engagement surveys are a valuable tool for understanding how your team feels about their work. They can help you identify areas where your team is struggling, and identify ways to improve employee satisfaction.

When employees are engaged in their work, they are more productive and creative. They are also more likely to stay with the company, reducing turnover rates.

There are many different types of employee engagement surveys, so it’s important to choose one that will best suit your team. Some surveys ask employees to rate their job satisfaction on a scale from 1 to 10, while others ask employees to respond to specific questions about their work.

No matter what survey you choose, it’s important to follow up on the results. If employees indicate that they are unhappy with their work, you need to take action to address the issue.

Employee engagement surveys can be a valuable tool for improving employee satisfaction and productivity. By understanding how your team feels about their work, you can identify areas where your team needs improvement and take action to address the issue. Read on as we discuss why an employee engagement survey is beneficial.

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Choosing the right employee engagement survey

When choosing an employee engagement survey it’s important to consider the following factors:

Purpose of the survey

Employee engagement surveys measure employee satisfaction. However, they can also be used to gather other types of information. If you want each of your worker’s input on specific matters, an engagement survey can be a tool to get their opinions.

You can also consider using it for other purposes if you need feedback about company policies or practices.

Type of employee engagement survey

Surveys can be used for a wide range of purposes, depending on your goals. Qualitative surveys ask employees to rate their satisfaction or answer specific questions about their work. It can also determine whether employees agree or disagree with a series of statements.

Mixed-mode surveys include the qualitative and quantitative elements, while web surveys can be completed anywhere by employees if they have internet access.

Target audience

You should ask questions and use the way they are asked based on the target audience for your survey. For example, if you are targeting managers, you may want to ask them about their perceptions of employee engagement. Consider asking employees about their experiences and opinions if you are targeting them.

Engagement surveys can be an effective tool for getting your employees’ input on specific topics. You should also consider using a survey for other purposes if you need feedback about company policies or practices. No matter what type of employee engagement survey you choose, it is important to make sure you take action based on the results.

Major benefits of having employee engagement surveys

Help identify areas To improve

Employee engagement surveys help you identify ways to improve employee satisfaction and increase productivity. Knowing how your team feels about their work allows you to address issues that may affect them negatively. When employees are engaged in their duties, they are more productive, which increases the team’s overall output.

Increases efficiency

Employee satisfaction is connected to employee retention rates. Employees who feel satisfied with their jobs are less likely to quit; this means you don’t have to spend time and money recruiting new workers or training new hires. If employees enjoy working for you, they are also more likely to recommend your company to others.

Gathers feedback on company policies and practices

Employee engagement surveys are also useful for gauging team policies and practices. If employees have suggestions for improvement, you can use the survey results to make changes that will benefit everyone. Surveys can also help you track the effectiveness of your team’s different programs and practices.

Use video to improve employee engagement

There are many ways to improve employee engagement, but implementing video content into the workplace is an effective way to do just that. The use of videos in business has grown exponentially in recent years, and there are countless benefits to using these tools over traditional forms of communication.

Fortunately, there are various video editors online which are easy to use and will allow you to create an excellent video in no time. Videos can be used for many different purposes such as promotional campaigns, training, tutorials, weekly meetings, and company messages.

Video is a great asset for any organisation because it provides a personal connection, allowing professionals to see colleagues in situations they normally would not encounter during their daily routines.

Video messages provide transparency into the company’s culture since viewers get an inside look at what goes on when no one is around or when employees are outside of work hours or off-site. There are many ways video can be used to engage employees, including:

  • Videos on the company’s website that highlight its culture and values.
  • Promotional announcements of new initiatives or events.
  • Weekly meetings with a department or team leader via videoconference or web conference.
  • While reinforcing the company’s message, these videos demonstrate transparency and build trust among colleagues.
  • Video can help employees engage because it helps them understand how their work contributes to the big picture.
Why Having an Employee Engagement Survey Helps Your Team

Image: Pexels

11 types of surveys

Here are different types of surveys designed to measure levels of employee engagement within an organisation.

Employee satisfaction survey

A common method for surveying employees is through the use of an Employee Satisfaction Survey. These typically require participants to rate certain aspects of their jobs concerning satisfaction using numerical values or written responses.

An example would be “On average, how often do you go home feeling like you accomplished something at work?” Possible responses might include “multiple times per day,” “a few times per day,” “three or more times per week,” etc.

Engagement survey

An engagement survey is similar to an employee satisfaction survey in that it asks questions about the level of satisfaction an employee has with their job.

The difference is that the emphasis on an engagement survey is not necessarily on whether or not employees are satisfied but instead focuses more on what makes them happy and why they choose to stay with their employer. A simple example question might be, “What could management do to make you happier at work?”

This type of survey can also allow employers to see if there are certain aspects of a job that employees are not satisfied with, but have become accustomed to.

Confidence survey

Confidence surveys typically involve asking employees questions that gauge how much they trust their employer and coworkers as well as their confidence in the company’s future. An example might be “How confident are you that this company will still exist 5 years from now?”

Possible responses could include “very confident,” “confident,” “uncertain,””not very confident” or “unconfident.” Employers can also use these surveys to evaluate whether or not any changes within the organisation negatively affected employee morale.

Voice of the employee survey

This type of survey asks employees to submit written responses to questions about different aspects of their job. This gives employers a way to get unfiltered feedback on the state of various aspects within the company.

For instance, questions could include “What do you think about how this company treats its customers?” or “How satisfied are you with the level of recognition that your employer provides for good performance?”. The major disadvantage of asking employees for written responses is that they may not provide constructive feedback.

Attitude survey

An attitude survey is designed to analyse how favourably employees look at their employers and coworkers as well as what types of feelings they associate with working here. One common question asked in this type of survey is, “Who would you prefer to work with – your or one of your peers?”

Possible responses might include “my peers,” “everyone else in the company,” or “no preference.” These surveys can provide insight into whether or not employees feel empathy and camaraderie among their co-workers.

Employee engagement survey

This type of survey assesses an employee’s emotional commitment to their job and employer. Some common questions ask things like, “Do you feel like you make a difference at work?” and, “Do you care about what happens to this organisation when it’s your time to leave for good?”

The goal of these types of employee engagement survey is to give employers feedback on how much interest employees have in actively participating within their organisation.

Trends analysis

A trends analysis takes place when employers collect enough employee survey data over time to see which factors are influencing morale.

For instance, they collect data that shows that, despite pay increases, more employees are looking for jobs elsewhere within the company. A survey of this type can show that a better work environment is needed to improve employee satisfaction.

Workplace trends analysis

A workplace trends analysis is similar to a regular trends analysis with the exception being that it focuses on the larger issues within an organisation rather than one or two specific items.

This type of survey often involves asking questions about why issues have arisen and what actions should be taken in response. An example question would be “What do you think is the main cause behind low morale throughout this organisation?”

Career testing

Career testing is an assessment tool that organisations use to help place employees in jobs in which they will be most successful. This can be done by asking questions about certain skills and aptitudes as well as determining where the employee would like to see themselves in 5 years.

It also helps employers predict how long a particular employee may remain with their organisation should they start them out in a role that is not a good fit for them.

Diversity survey

A diversity survey looks at whether or not there are any issues surrounding race, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation or other protected groups within a company. For instance, one question might ask if people from different backgrounds have equal opportunities for success while working here.

The goal of these surveys is to ensure that employees from a variety of backgrounds feel as though they are being treated fairly by their employers.

Climate survey

A climate survey is a type of survey which asks employees to weigh in on how happy they are outside of work. Questions ask how satisfied the employee is with the quality of life that they have, what kind of role balance they have and whether or not workplace conflicts influence stress levels off-the-clock.

This type of survey helps employers understand whether or not their employees are having fun while working and when it comes to balancing life versus work.

In Summary

An employee engagement survey is an excellent way to measure how your team feels about their job. If you are struggling with low performance, it could be because of a lack of motivation or satisfaction in the workplace.

A recent study found that companies with a lower rate of disengaged employees were more likely to have higher overall productivity levels. It is worth making sure that your company has happy workers who enjoy coming to work every day!

About the Author

Rachelle Ann Raymaro is a PR Outreach Specialist at VEED.IO – an online video editor. In her free time, she enjoys watching movies and tv series while eating her favourite snack.

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